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Give up the two "firsts" of honey water, better nutrition

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-12

   I received a message from a netizen. She asked, "... many people are admiring a glass of honey water at night. Drinking sweet water at night will increase the viscosity of blood, which is prone to accidents. This is a contradiction. But in You have already mentioned that you don’t drink honey water on an empty stomach in the morning. What about that night? I would like to hear your opinion about a glass of honey water in the evening." First of all, thank you for your visit! For the topics asked, talk about my View.

  I personally think that giving up the two "firsts" in the use of honey water will have better nutritional value. If we drink honey water on the first glass on an empty stomach in the morning, this approach is not suitable. The reason is that honey water contains the corresponding sugar, not in the form of pure water. After drinking, the carbohydrates in honey in the body must be metabolized by the body into glucose before it can be absorbed and used by the body, so the first cup of water is lost in the morning. The role of the internal environment of the body. As the first cup of water, honey cannot effectively replenish the water of the body''s cells. The time for kidney excretion of urine is relatively slower than that of plain water, which reduces the body''s detoxification effect. At this time, the body does not remove waste, and it comes to accept new high-quality (honey) substances. Then, the new substances provided by the body are mixed with the waste residues that are metabolized overnight, which shows the metabolic absorption process of the new and old hybrid substances in the body, and the nutrients of honey cannot be obtained well. The re-metabolism of the residues is not conducive to health. Therefore, safe water first, and honey consumption after ten minutes, is more conducive to maximizing the nutritional value of honey.

   Drink a cup of honey water 30-60 minutes before going to bed, that is, the penultimate cup of honey water before sleep is not suitable for everyone, and it is not recommended! The reason is to drink honey at this time Water, because honey water usually causes blood sugar to rise quickly after drinking, how can it be said to relieve hypoglycemia in the middle of the night? Compared with the cells that were already lacking water when sleeping this night, the blood viscosity is relatively high, and then drink honey water For the dilution of blood viscosity, is it not worse, nor is it conducive to the prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents. Therefore, middle-aged and elderly people with dyslipidemia should choose plain water. When you give up two first, you can effectively play the better nutritional value of honey.

   In addition, honey water contains many vitamins, minerals, biological enzymes and other nutrients, which have certain effects on beauty, intestinal laxation, etc., so after drinking safe water in the morning, the body Relatively clean, honey consumption is more conducive to exert its control effect, in order not to affect the appetite, honey can be eaten directly or eaten with bread. It can also be mixed with yogurt, fruit and vegetable juices, etc. The time can be arranged as needed except for the two "first" times. Tips: Avoid taking honey hot and hot, it will lose vitamins, inactivate biological enzymes, reduce the nutritional value of the original honey, it is better to use cool white boiling water to eat honey!

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