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Reasons why four skins such as sweet potato skins are not suitable for consumption

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-13

   Today, an old man came to my class and asked me if sweet potatoes, potatoes, water chestnuts, and persimmons are on the market. Do you want to eat this skin? For this problem, let’s talk about the reasons why it should not be eaten!

Let''s talk about sweet potato skins first. Because sweet potato skins contain more alkaloids, eating too much can cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Especially the sweet potato suffers from black spot disease, the brown or black spots of sweet potato skin can not be eaten, it will cause poisoning after eating.

   Potato skins, which contain sugar alkaloids that are not beneficial to human health, will form cumulative poisoning after entering the human body. Because it is chronic poisoning, it is temporarily asymptomatic or the symptoms are not obvious, and it is often not noticed. As for potatoes with sprouts and blue skin, they should be strictly prohibited because they contain solanine.

When the potatoes are intact, the content of solanine is very small. Once germination and greening occur, the content will increase 5-6 times, especially concentrated in buds, bud eyes, intradermal and rotten Office. After human consumption, it has a strong irritating effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa, and also has a paralysis effect on the respiratory center and the sports center, and can cause symptoms such as cerebral edema and hyperemia.

   Water chestnut skin, because water chestnuts are born in fertile water, a variety of harmful and toxic biological excreta and chemicals are accumulated on the skin. Therefore, raw or cooked food should be peeled, otherwise it will cause unpredictable diseases.

   persimmon skin, because the taste of ripe persimmon skin is good, generally people do not spit persimmon. When the persimmons are immature, the tannic acid that can cause gastrointestinal damage is mainly present in the persimmon meat. After the persimmons are mature, the tannic acid is concentrated in the persimmon skin.

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