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Don't forget in winter-fake bitter gourd

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-13

   Speaking of fake bitter gourd, would you ask if there is any fake bitter gourd? There is no fake bitter gourd, but there is a food commonly known as "false bitter gourd". Mainly produced in Guangxi, my country, and sold at counters of dried fruits across the country.

  Due to weather changes and other factors this winter, the climate is dry and cold and hot, cold and cough, and pharyngitis are bothering people.

   false bitter gourd (grosvenor grosvenor), sweet and cool, has the effect of clearing lungs and intestines. We are commonly used for colds, tracheitis, whooping cough, pharyngitis, aphonia, dry bowel constipation, sputum cough, etc. Also has a certain effect of clearing lungs and intestines.

  Recommended two dietary prescriptions:

   1. Xuanfei Huatan Zhike drink

   Ingredients: 1 Luo Han Guo, raw almond 10 capsules

   Method: Mash Luo Han Guo, cook with almonds for 20-30 minutes, drink juice, 1 dose per day.

   Application: Patients with cold, cough and sputum.

  Second, Qingfeizhike drink

  Materials: 1 Luo Han Guo, 1 persimmon

   Method: Mash Luo Han Guo and boil water with persimmon. 1 dose daily.

   Application: cough, pertussis.

   3. Shengjin Runhou Liyan Drink

  Materials: 1 Luo Han Guo, 5g green tea

   Method: Luo Han Guo is mashed and brewed with tea.

   Application: pharyngitis, aphonia, polydipsia.

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