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Two drinks in the heat

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-13

   It''s getting hot and humid in the heat. Today, several friends around me are afraid of the heat, blowing cold air and getting a cold, sore throat. For this, two small diets can be used.

   Recipe 1: Zhulan tea

  Materials: Zhulan 3g, mint 3g, tea 6g.

   Production: Zhulan, mint, tea leaves are brewed with boiling water to replace tea.

  Efficacy: Remove wind and heat, clear summer heat.

   Application: Head swelling and fever caused by cold and heat, chest tightness and stomach, and short urine.

  This herbal tea is derived from "Therapeutic Materia Medica". Fangzhong is mainly Zhulan, also known as Zhulan, Jin Sulan, is a plant of the family Suaceae; the function of removing wind, dampness and depression. Mint flavor and cold; function to remove wind and heat; can cure wind-heat headache, sore throat. The two medicines are suitable for summer heat and cold.

   Recipe Two: Mulberry Ju Thin Bamboo Tea

  Materials: 10 grams of mulberry leaf, 15 grams of bamboo leaf, 10 grams of chrysanthemum, 10 grams of chrysanthemum root, 6 grams of mint.

   Production: Crush the mulberry leaves, bamboo leaves and mint, wash and chop the white chrysanthemum roots, put them in the teapot with chrysanthemums, brew with boiling water and substitute for tea.

  Efficacy: Clearing away heat and replenishing qi, removing wind and dispelling form.

   Application: Thirsty, bitter tongue, sore throat, wind and cold.

   This herbal tea is derived from "Practical Therapeutic Recipe Selection". Mulberry leaves, chrysanthemums, and mint are commonly used in Xinliang Qingre Pyrolysis table. It can be used to clear away heat and regenerate the roots, and bamboo leaves can clear away diuresis. The formula is extremely precise, the taste is refreshing and refreshing, and it is an effective and convenient herbal tea for preventing wind-heat cold and summer heat.

   Remarks: All the above drugstores are available.

   Today is the solar term of twenty-four solar terms, which is a solar term that reflects changes in temperature. "Chu" means hiding and ending. "Chushu" means that the hot summer days are over. That is to say, the hot summer is coming to an end.

  The end of summer means the beginning of autumn. During this period, the climate is gradually drying, people may feel that the skin is also a little dry, thirsty, etc. In addition to drinking more water in daily life, it is necessary to add some food to adjust it in an appropriate amount, such as peanuts, goose, almonds, loach, white Duck meat, quail eggs, anchovies, yam, taro root, white fungus, ginkgo, apricot, grapes, olives, lily, pig lungs, milk, white sugar, rock sugar, bees Milk, carrots, garland chrysanthemum, black fungus, oranges, figs, marigolds, ebony, ginkgo, quince, bird''s nest, pork, whitebait, etc., to nourish the lungs and dryness.

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