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Days of summer, heatstroke

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-13

  The summer time is around July 23rd of the solar calendar, marking the beginning of the hottest period of the year. At this time, the sun is often like a fire, the humidity is high, the wind speed is small, the heat is hot, and the temperature is higher in the afternoon. Extreme temperatures will bring various disadvantages to the human body''s physiology and psychology.

   Common heatstroke at this time is caused by the high air temperature, high temperature, and poor environmental ventilation, which prevents the body from spreading out in time and the imbalance of water and electrolyte balance. To prevent heatstroke, you must avoid sun exposure. , Improve the microclimate of the environment, and reduce the ambient temperature through natural and mechanical ventilation. Drinking more water is very important. Drinking cool white tea, green tea soup, green bean soup, mint tea, and plum soup.......

  In this hot and humid climate, it will be too cold to avoid the cold caused by heat and greed. It is also known as heat cold and yin heat. To prevent yin heat (heat tetanus), do not overcool and avoid the heat. To be cool; not suitable for lying down under the stars and moon, not to be cool in the wetlands, protect the abdomen when sleeping; cold drinks and melons should not overeat.

  Especially in this solar evaporative sweat increase, the temperature is high, the weather is stuffy, if the water is insufficiently supplemented, it will cause insufficient blood volume and blood viscosity, resulting in stroke. At the same time, in order to dissipate heat, limited blood flows to the skin. For patients with poor cardiovascular regulation and elderly arteriosclerosis, the cerebral ischemia will be further aggravated by the originally insufficient blood supply, and it is also easy to induce stroke. Therefore, for those with a history of hypertension, coronary heart disease, and stroke, in addition to cooling down to avoid unnecessary activities, it is more important to drink more water to prevent blood concentration, thrombosis, and stroke induced; diet should be natural and light Appropriate amount, reduce gastrointestinal burden, eat appropriate amount of vinegar, garlic. Drink some rice soup, vegetable soup, egg soup, all kinds of porridge.

   At this time, it is a good time to cure winter diseases and summer diseases. Winter disease refers to certain diseases that occur in winter or worsen in winter, such as chronic bronchitis, bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases. These diseases often have fewer or no attacks in the summer.

   TCM dialectics "Acuteness will cure its symptoms, while slowness will cure its roots." Therefore, these patients must be treated at this time to prevent recurrence in winter or reduce their symptoms, which can be described as "winter disease and summer treatment". At the beginning, middle and end of the following day, when the temperature is the highest, the yang is the strongest. Chronic bronchitis patients are most suitable for this period of time to nurse, and the most suitable for nursery, and the effect is the most significant. Commonly used methods are application, Reasonable medication and dietary care.

  In the dietary care, Beijing has an old saying "tofu dumplings with two noodles and three-volt pancakes to spread eggs". In fact, many people are talking about the food culture related to Dumplings, so I will not talk much about it. I just want to focus on the "stuffing" of Dumplings.

   Speaking of dumpling stuffing, people will choose a variety of meat stuffing and vegetable stuffing, but beef stuffing is seldom selected in meat stuffing. It is often thought that beef and mutton is a big supplement, only in winter. The patented product is good for eating beef and mutton when the weather is hot in summer, so many people use it away from the beef and mutton in summer. In fact, this view is the real tonicity of beef and mutton, and the Chinese health that is regulated by the human body." The problem of understanding the "three principles". Regardless of whether the use of food or medicine is based on physical fitness, climate, or region, when eating beef and mutton in summer and adjusting the cooking method, especially in the summer days, eating beef and mutton is also necessary.

  Eating beef and mutton in Futian has different customs in different regions of my country. Every year, the beginning of the first season, which lasts for one month, is calculated according to the solar terms of the lunar calendar. The third day after the "Summer Solstice" (one day and nine days) is the "first day" and the fourth day is Mid-Volt, the first day after the autumn is "three volts", that is, "the last volt", to eat edible lamb, called "Fu sheep festival".

   When Futian pastes Futian, it is winter disease and summer cure, and Futian eats some beef and mutton, also because of the heat of the natural climate, the human body is prone to sweat, and eats mild and warm beef and mutton, which is not only nutritious and rich The poison and moisture of winter and spring are eliminated through perspiration and detoxification.

  Different ways to eat beef and mutton, but the cooking method is very particular, often based on stewed light ingredients, avoid spicy and greasy strong stimulation. Then the filling of "head dumplings" is made of beef and mutton, which is simple and easy to use regardless of the ingredients or cooking.

  Four eating beef and mutton should also be reminded that it is forbidden for people with heat in the body, carbuncle, and paste.

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