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18 truths about fried steak

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-25

  After reading these 18, you can really cook PK Michelin! Is it easy to fry the steak?

  Beef, crispy, tender and juicy steak~!! You can also use the method~

  1. Put it in 5 minutes to save all the juice!

  What!? 5 minutes of beef discharge is 500 times more juicy than eating while hot !Try it if you don’t believe it, and it’s an anxiety!

  2. Olive oil and butter? Not suitable for frying steak at all!

  Sunflower seed oil and rapeseed oil are more suitable for frying steak ! Olive oil is only suitable for low-temperature cooking, high-temperature frying will destroy its nutrition. The butter is fragrant and will mask the taste of steak, which is not suitable for the old gluttons who pursue the original taste of the ingredients.

  3. Be sure to use a fire! It will produce more than 100 kinds of meat incense!

   Don’t be afraid of burning the meat, don’t be afraid of burning the kitchen, be sure to burn the pot until it’s smoking, the whole process Steak fried on high heat. This is the legendary Maillard reaction: the high temperature allows the protein and sugar in the meat to react, which can produce more than 100 types of meat aromas.

  Turn the face once in 4.15~20 seconds to get the focus and tenderness!

  Using the thermal imaging camera to shoot the fried steak process, we see that the upward side will soon cool down, but, Turning it over every 15 seconds keeps the surface constantly hot, and the internal temperature will not be too high, perfect preservation of gravy.

  5. What thick steak do you want! Fried at home, 1-2.5cm is enough

   Don’t pursue thick meat if you only have a pan at home. If you have an oven, you can try a 4cm thick steak, and fry on each side for 30 seconds. Then put it in a preheated oven at 260°C and bake on both sides for 2 minutes.

  6. Don’t wash the steak! Just suck the surface with kitchen paper

  How dirty can a steak be? You loosen the fiber of the beef and dilute the flavor of the beef. You use Your cleanliness in exchange for the sadness of a steak.

  7. Use garlic to cut the noodles to flavor the steak, this is a super private room!

  Cut the raw garlic in half, rub it on the raw steak meat, fry it in the pot and it will be delicious Unstoppable.

  8. Don’t use sea salt? You regret it!

   Sea salt is not used to pretend, it is used to enhance the level of steak meat! It’s not too late to touch your tongue The large salt granules are melted, and after a while, the unevenness when it gradually melts on the meat is encountered, and the taste of mixed beef continues to stimulate the taste buds!

   9. Steak meat is less than 20℃, Don’t go out of the pot!

  The steak just after being defrosted or just taken out of the refrigerator is only 3~4℃. It must be left for 30 minutes to allow the meat to reach a room temperature of around 20°C. The steak can be cooked quickly, without losing too much juice, and the meat will not be cooked and endogenous.

  10. You can also try green pepper~

  If the meat is not too fat, you can also try green pepper with a refreshing fragrance and a milder spicy taste than black pepper It can also put forward the aroma of lean beef. But it must be freshly ground to make the flavor sufficient.

  11. Filet mignon is the most tender, but the eye meat and T bones are more flavorful

  can be both thin and tender, which is the biggest feature of filet, especially for weight loss girls . But if you want to eat chewing gum, you have to look at the flesh and the bone.

  12. Do you have a piece of top steak meat? Then don’t use sauce!

   Don’t spoil top steak with sauce, it’s all about you. Just marinate with sea salt and black pepper, the good meat is worth playing once and returning to the original.

  13. Don’t forget to fry the fat on the edge of the meat

  Don’t you think the circle of fat around the raw sirloin steak is embarrassing? Stand it up and fry it, fat The skin will be very crispy, and it will be super fragrant with lean meat.

  14. Choose steak, don’t just look at snowflakes

  In addition to looking at the degree of snowflakes (Marbling), the choice of steak meat also depends on whether the meat color is natural ruddy and whether the fat color is white 1. Does the thickness of fat satisfy you?

   15. What to save you, my M12

  Many people dream of M12, but most people will feel very greasy when they eat it. Is it really suitable for frying and eating? Is it really suitable for eating directly in bulk? Not everyone can afford to be super top, we think M7~8 is the most perfect.

   16. Not all steak knives have serrations!

  Can cut even if they are blunt, this is the truth of serrations. In fact, a good toothless knife cuts the steak like tofu, which feels more refreshing! For a steak knife, appearance is secondary, and sharpness is the last word.

  17. Striped frying pan is actually used to force!

  The best way to make steak is to open flame, the grill can also burn beautiful stripes! So there is A striped frying pan is available. In fact, a thick cast iron pan is enough, it can continue to provide a uniform ultra-high temperature, and the steak can continue to burn wildly on it! Oh! Spray! Fragrant!

   18. There is a steak practice called SousVide

  Sousvide means vacuum low temperature cooking. Marinate the steak, vacuum-pack it in water below 80°C for a long time, and then take it out for quick grilling. The steak made in this way will be perfect: under the thin and crispy skin, the meat is 5-7 minutes cooked, the color is even and very tender!

  Professional Sous vide cooking machine is very expensive, but if you It''s a foodie Geek, DIY is also good.

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