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Are you eating protein food right?

BY Carol Carey 2020-06-15

  Let’s learn the most basic knowledge of diet and nutrition: the importance of protein food. A typical long story, reading requires patience-protein food refers to fish, shrimp, meat, eggs, milk and soy products. The common feature of these foods is that they contain more high-quality protein. "High-quality" means that after digestion and absorption into the human body, they can be used very well, with one enemy two. In comparison, the protein in grains, vegetables and fruits is either low in content or not high-quality.

   protein constitutes the skin, bones, muscles and all organs

   protein is one of the most important nutrients required by the human body. Our entire body, from the heel to the hair, including the skin, bones, muscles and all organs are mainly composed of protein. During childhood, the body''s skin, bones, muscles, and various organs continue to grow and develop, requiring a large amount of protein intake; although growth and development stops in adulthood, the protein in the body is constantly renewed and consumed (metabolism), so it also needs to be supplemented from food; the body after old age Protein is gradually lost, organs are shrunk, skeletal muscles are reduced, height is shorter, dietary protein supplementation is particularly important; pregnant women and nursing mothers must also consume a lot of protein in order to conceive or nurture new life (mainly composed of protein); the recovery period of many diseases, In order to repair damaged tissues or organs, it is necessary to consume more protein. Therefore, whenever and wherever, keep in mind that protein is the key to maintaining good health.

  If the recipe does not have enough protein, the fetus is difficult to develop normally; children cannot grow normally; adults have low physical fitness, physical strength and immunity, and lack of energy; the elderly are aging faster, and the old state is long; the recovery of patients is delayed and the vitality is difficult restore. In short, protein constitutes our body, and loving the body must "love" the protein.

  proteins are the basis of all life activities

  proteins not only constitute our bodies, but also take the form of hormones, enzymes, antibodies, complements, hemoglobin, apolipoproteins, immunoglobulins and other active forms Participate in various life activities. The names of these living substances may be strange, but the functions they bring are used every day, such as food intake, excretion, metabolism, exercise, blood circulation, breathing, immunity, thinking, emotion, desire, gene replication... In the final analysis, these functions are performed by protein, and a world without protein is unimaginable.

  The decisive proteins in the body are synthesized by cells, but the raw materials must be provided by food, especially by the proteins in the food. The protein in the food is digested and broken down into amino acids in the intestine, then absorbed into the blood, and then transported to the corresponding tissues or organs by the blood. In the cells of these tissues or organs, amino acids re-synthesize various human proteins through complex biochemical processes, each playing its role in its place. At the same time, the original protein of the human body will be broken down into amino acids one after another, or reused, or degraded and excreted to complete the metabolism.

  Protein needs to be supplemented frequently

  Amino acids and proteins in the body that fulfill their mission or are no longer used will be quickly degraded into other substances and excreted in the urine in the form of urea, creatinine, etc. Off. Even if you eat a lot of protein one day, they cannot be stored in the body and will be metabolized and excreted quickly from the urine. This is completely different from fats and sugars. If you eat a lot of fat and sugar on a certain day, they will be stored step by step into the fat tissue under the belly or other parts. Unless you work hard, they will be stored there for a long time.

  Dietary protein intake cannot be stored in the body, so the better mode of supplementing protein is regular intake, that is, daily intake of some protein (about 60 to 100 grams) to maintain metabolic needs. Moreover, if conditions permit, it is best to consume some protein (about 20 to 30 grams) per meal. The only exception is those patients with severely impaired kidney function. They often need a low-protein diet and should consult a doctor.

More value of   protein food

  In addition to high-quality protein, another important reason for using protein foods as the core of nutritional meals is that these protein foods are also rich in other nutrients. For example, fish meat eggs are also an important source of trace elements such as iron, zinc, selenium, and chromium. Not only are they rich in content, but also easy to digest and absorb. Fish eggs are also important sources of phospholipids, vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin B6. Fish is also an important source of vitamin D, DHA, calcium and potassium. Among them, vitamin D and vitamin B12 are almost absent in plant foods. Milk is also a good source of calcium, zinc, vitamin A and vitamin B2. Soybeans and their products are also important sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids, calcium, vitamin B1 and vitamin B6. Therefore, as long as you grasp the core of protein foods and eat a variety of protein foods, you can solve most of the nutrients needed, not only protein, but also a variety of vitamins and minerals.

  It is particularly important that when protein foods such as fish, meat, eggs, milk, and soy products are eaten together with food or vegetables, their proteins complement each other, complement each other, and the overall protein nutritional value increases; meat and Fish and shrimp also promote the absorption of iron, carotene and other nutrients in food or vegetables, and improve the nutritional quality of whole meals.

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