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The secret of keeping health when eating crabs in autumn

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-06-21

   Crab is precious in food. It is not only delicious, but also rich in nutrients. It is a high-protein supplement, so it is said to be "a plate of crabs, a table dish". However, another year of autumn crabs, the hospital has greeted the “greedy cat” who has been “poisoned” by eating crabs in these days, so what kind of people can eat crabs? What should I pay attention to when eating crabs? , So as not to be tricked?

  First, be aware of one another

  The therapeutic effect of crabs-crabs are cold, salty, liver and stomach Meridian; it has the effects of clearing away heat and detoxifying, replenishing bone and marrow, nourishing bones and bones, promoting blood circulation, removing phlegm, diminishing dampness, reducing limbs, nourishing liver and yin, and filling gastric juice; for congestion, jaundice, waist and leg pain and rheumatoid arthritis Wait for a certain therapeutic effect.

  Nutrition of crabs——Crabs are rich in protein and trace elements, which have a good tonic effect on the body. Crabs also have anti-tuberculosis effects, and eating crabs can greatly benefit the rehabilitation of tuberculosis.

  Second, be a confidante

  Understand your physique, without suffering from the lower mouth, what kind of "greedy cat" is not suitable for crabs? p>

  First, those with spleen and stomach deficiency cold

  You must not know, what does spleen and stomach deficiency cold mean? It’s okay to compare the symptoms of spleen and stomach deficiency cold to see if you belong to this category: I often eat without eating, and my stomach becomes worse or painful when I eat cold. My stomach also likes to be warm. My stools are often crackling and unshaped. My limbs are often not as warm as popsicles.

  Secondly, people with cold and cold (clear nose, clear phlegm) and some skin diseases should not eat.

  Third, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, pregnant women, or just smell the crab on the table. You can only see if you can’t get your mouth off.

   3. How to eat "poisoning"

  What does crab "poisoning" do in the human body? It is more common: abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting , Urticaria, etc. Well, after talking for a long time, my appetite has also hung up. How can I not eat the "winning bid"?

  Since the properties of crabs are salty and cold, then just use ginger and garlic juice to deal with it. Warm its cold, and solve its toxicity.

   Another thing to say is that the gills, sandbags and internal organs of crabs contain a lot of bacteria and toxins. They must be removed when eating. Raw crabs, drunk crabs or pickled crabs are not suitable for consumption. Steamed and cooked before eating; cooked crabs that have been stored for a long time are not suitable for consumption; they should not be eaten with tea. Avoid drinking tea when eating crabs and within 1 hour after eating crabs; crab fat is the season when persimmons are cooked. Avoid mixing crabs with persimmons; eating crabs is not allowed to drink cold drinks, otherwise it will cause diarrhea.

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