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Woman does not do seven things after meal

BY Carol Carey 2020-06-25

   1. Don''t eat fruits immediately.

  Fruits contain brass-like compounds, which are converted to dihydroxybenzoic acid by intestinal bacteria after ingestion, and the ingested vegetables contain thiocyanate, under the action of these two chemicals , Interference with thyroid function can lead to non-iodine goiter.

   Second, do not drink tea immediately.

  Because the tannin contained in the tea can combine with protein and iron in the food to produce colloids or precipitates that are not easily absorbed, iron deficiency anemia and protein deficiency can occur in the long term.

   3. Don’t drink more water immediately.

  Intragastric pressure will increase immediately after drinking water, so that the food in the stomach will enter the small intestine without having time to digest. In addition, dilute the gastric juice after drinking water, so that the digestive capacity of the gastric juice is weakened, which is not conducive to the sterilization of gastric acid, and it is easy to cause gastrointestinal diseases.

   4. Don’t eat sugar right away.

   Sugar is easily converted into fat, causing obesity. Sugar can also reduce the secretory function of pancreatic islets and promote the occurrence of diabetes.

   Fifth, don''t do strenuous exercise immediately.

When strenuous exercise, blood flow in the extremities increases, affecting the blood supply of the gastrointestinal tract, affecting the secretion of gastric juice, making food digestion difficult. At the same time, the stomach becomes larger after a meal, and exercise will cause the stomach to sag.

   6. Don’t read books immediately.

  Reading books immediately after a meal will relatively reduce the blood volume of the gastrointestinal tract and affect the secretion of gastric juice. Over time, indigestion, bloating, stomach pain and other symptoms will occur.

   Seven, do not take a shower immediately.

  Because the skin capillaries expand and congest during bathing, the blood flow of the digestive tract is relatively reduced, which affects the digestion and absorption of food.

   So how long after a meal can you engage in the above activities? Food stays in the stomach for about 1 hour for sugar, 2-3 hours for protein, and 5-6 hours for fat, so It should be at least 1 hour after a meal to engage in the above activities. But also be flexible. For example, when you feel thirsty, you should drink some water after a meal, and you shouldn’t just take it hard.

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