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Can eating lamb stew radish reduce blood fat?

Male  28 years old 2020-05-10
I have eaten too much blood lipids during this time and my blood lipids are high. Can I eat a lamb stew with carrots to reduce blood lipids?

2 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Penelope Judson 2020-05-10
    White radish stewed with white radish has the effect of lowering blood fat. The effect of mutton is "tonic, warm, rise", and white radish is just "Xie, Qing, Jiang", its sweet taste is cool, can cool, detoxify, remove heat. Moreover, white radish can help digestion and lower blood fat, make up for the lack of lamb, is a very good match.
  • BY Flora Maurice 2020-04-21
    You can continue to take the amount of progesterone capsules for five days. After you stop taking this medicine, you will have to wait for a week or so before you will have withdrawal bleeding and menstruation. It is not so fast to eat for three days now, and some people are more sensitive Progesterone will cause nausea after eating. Even if you are pregnant, it will not affect your child. If you take this medicine after pregnancy, you will never have menstruation. Avoid eating too greasy food and cold. Diet, nutrition mix.

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