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Are pelvic nodules cancer?

BY Carol Carey 2020-07-24

   Pelvic cavity is the inflammation of female genitalia and surrounding connective tissues. The inflammation of the pelvic peritoneum can be limited to one site or several sites at the same time. It can be divided into two types, acute and chronic. The female pelvic range includes reproductive organs (uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries), pelvic peritoneum, and connective tissue around the uterus.

  A pelvic disease, nodules Refers to the small bulge on the surface of the organism. Under normal circumstances, no pelvic nodules, so pelvic nodules often suggest that there may be gynecological diseases. The disease is mostly secondary to tuberculosis. In the genitals, the first infection is the fallopian tube, followed by endometrium and pelvic peritoneum, ovaries, and cervical tuberculosis are rare.

  Prevention and care of pelvic inflammation

  1, put an end to all kinds of infections, keep the perineum clean and dry, and wash the vulva with water every night, so that a dedicated pot is not necessary. Wash the inside of the vagina by hand, and do not use hot water, soap, etc. In pelvic inflammatory disease, the amount of leucorrhea is large and the texture is sticky, so you should change your underwear frequently, and don''t wear tight-fitting, chemical fiber underwear.

  2. Menstrual period, post-abortion operation, upper and lower gynecological operations, vaginal bleeding after gynecological operations, sex life must be prohibited, swimming, bathing, sauna bathing are prohibited, frequent changes of sanitary napkins, so the timing The body''s resistance decreases, and pathogenic bacteria can easily take the opportunity to cause infection.

  3. Patients diagnosed with acute or subacute pelvic inflammatory disease must actively cooperate with the treatment as directed by the doctor. Patients must rest in bed or take a semi-recumbent position to facilitate localization of inflammation and discharge of secretions. Patients with chronic pelvic inflammatory disease should not be overworked, do a combination of work and rest, and control sex to avoid aggravating symptoms.

  4. Fever patients generally sweat more when they have a fever. Keep warm and keep your body dry. Change your underwear after sweating to avoid air conditioning or direct convection.

   5. Pay attention to the quantity, quality, color and taste of leucorrhea. If the amount of leucorrhea is large, the color is yellow and thick, and there is a smelly smell, it means that the disease is serious. For example, the leucorrhea changes from yellow to white (or light yellow), the amount changes from less to more, and the taste tends to be normal (slightly sour). .

   6. Patients with acute or subacute pelvic inflammatory disease should keep the stool smooth and observe the characteristics of the stool. If you see pus in your stools or you feel heavy after a sudden emergency, you should go to the hospital immediately to prevent the pelvic abscess from rupturing the intestinal wall and causing acute peritonitis.

  7. Some patients suffer from chronic pelvic inflammatory disease and feel uncomfortable, so they take antibiotics by themselves. Long-term use will cause intravaginal bacterial disorder, which will lead to increased vaginal secretions and white okara-like leucorrhea. At this time, you should go to the hospital immediately to rule out fungal vaginitis.

   8. Patients with pelvic inflammatory disease should pay attention to dietary care; strengthen nutrition. It is appropriate to eat a light and digestible diet during fever. Patients with high fever and injury can be given pear juice or apple juice, watermelon juice, etc., but not to drink after chilling. Patients with yellow, leucorrhea, large quantity and thick quality are damp heat syndrome. Eat fried and grilled greasy, spicy things. Patients with low abdominal pain, fear of cold, and pain in the waist are of cold stagnation and qi stagnation type. Warm foods such as ginger soup, brown sugar water, and Guiyuan meat can be given to the diet. Five upset fever, low back pain are mostly kidney-yin deficiency, edible meat and eggs flesh and blood products, to nourish and strong.

   9. Do a good job of contraception and minimize the trauma of artificial abortion. Strictly operate aseptically during the operation; avoid the invasion of pathogenic bacteria.

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