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Eating these six foods often destroys IQ

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

  We all know that eating nuts, walnuts and black foods can nourish the brain and strengthen the kidneys. But here I have to tell you that some things are still better to eat less, because these things that will be mentioned below may lower your IQ.

  1. Caffeine

  Research shows that people with psychological problems should avoid caffeine. Many people try to cope with symptoms such as drowsiness by drinking coffee, but inadvertently plunge themselves into anxiety.

   2. MSG

   Research has found that eating too much MSG can not only cause headaches and tightness in the chest, but also seriously affect brain health. The reason is that monosodium glutamate will over-stimulate nerve cell receptors, and even cause nerve cell apoptosis.

  3. Processed foods containing preservatives

  The study found that processed foods contain preservatives, pigments, artificial flavors and other ingredients that affect behavior and brain cognitive ability. But to be honest, this is too difficult to avoid. I want to ask if there is any food without this stuff? If so, you can recommend it to the editor.

   4. High salt

   A study published in the journal "Aging Neurobiology" found that a high salt diet can accelerate the deterioration of cognitive ability in the elderly.

  5. Sugar

  The study found that eating sugar in large amounts for a long time will cause problems such as memory loss. A study published in the Journal of Physiology found that fructose reduces brain and memory functions. Friends who like to eat sweets should pay attention, eat less not only to lose weight but also help improve IQ.

  6. Trans fatty acids

  Studies have found that excessive intake of trans fats will not only increase “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and reduce “good” cholesterol (HDL) levels , And will cause the brain to shrink. Trans fatty acids increase the risk of cerebrovascular degeneration and hardening.

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