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Eating more kiwi will increase the burden on the stomach

Male  26 years old 2020-05-10
I often eat kiwi to supplement vitamin C. Will eating more kiwi increase the burden on my stomach?

2 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Penelope Judson 2020-05-10
    Kiwi is cold, and overeating yang that damages the spleen and stomach can cause symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea. The large amounts of vitamin C and pectin contained in kiwifruit will increase stomach acid and increase the burden on the stomach, causing symptoms such as abdominal pain, pantothenic acid and heartburn.
  • BY Phoenix Cecillia 2020-04-21
    According to your description, this condition is caused by soft tissue damage. It usually returns to normal in about two weeks. You can also apply safflower oil to activate blood circulation to remove blood stasis, relieve qi and relieve pain, and relieve symptoms. Pay attention to your diet structure and eat lean meat and calcium-rich foods. You must have enough sleep and rest, pay attention to a balanced diet, you can choose foods with high protein, eat more vegetables and fruits, and improve your own immunity.

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