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Autumn cabbage is good for beauty

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-19

  Chinese cabbage is known as the "king of vegetables", which is said to have been proposed by Mr. Qi Baishi. Qi Lao has a freehand picture of Chinese cabbage, with a caption saying "Peony is the king of flowers, litchi is the first of all fruits, and no matter whether cabbage is the king of vegetables, what?" So the beauty of "king of vegetables" The name spread wildly and spread. In the winter in northern my country, Chinese cabbage is indispensable on the dining table, so it is said that "winter cabbage is as beautiful as bamboo shoots".

  Chinese cabbage has high nutritional value. There is a saying that "100 vegetables are inferior to Chinese cabbage".

  Nutritional value:

  The air is particularly dry in autumn and winter, and the cold wind is very harmful to human skin. Cabbage is rich in vitamins C and E. Eating more cabbage can play a good role in skin care and beauty.

  The cellulose in cabbage can not only play a role in moistening the intestines and promoting detoxification, but also promote the absorption of animal protein by the human body

  Scientists at the Hormone Research Institute in New York, USA found that The incidence of breast cancer in Chinese and Japanese women is much lower than that in Western women because they often eat cabbage. Cabbage contains some trace elements, which can help break down estrogen associated with breast cancer, and its content accounts for about 1% of the weight of cabbage. The dietary fiber in cabbage can not only play a role in moistening the intestines and promoting detoxification, but also promote the absorption of animal protein by the human body. Chinese medicine believes that cabbage is slightly cold and sweet, and it has the functions of nourishing the stomach, relieving thirst, diuretic and laxative, and clearing heat and detoxification.

  Dietary advice:

  Chopped cabbage should be cut smoothly so that the cabbage is easy to cook. It is not advisable to use boiling, simmering, squeezing juice after scalding, etc. during cooking to avoid a large loss of signature nutrients.

  The toxin is produced during the decay of vegetables. The nitrite produced can make the hemoglobin in the blood lose its oxygen carrying capacity, causing severe hypoxia and even life-threatening. There are 3-5 people with intellectual disabilities.

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