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Carassius auratus-the best health product in winter

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-23

   Winter is the best season to eat crucian carp. In the cold winter season, the crucian carp has a lot of fat and delicious meat. There is also a saying in the folk proverbs that "the crucian carp summer carp".

   Carassius auratus is not only delicious, but also has the effect of health care. It has the effects of strengthening the spleen and dampness, appetizing in the middle, nourishing qi tonic, promoting blood circulation, diuresis and swelling, clearing heat and detoxification, and breast milk. Having said so many effects, what nutrients does crucian carp have? We first analyze its nutritional value.

  The nutritional value of crucian carp: per 100 grams of crucian carp contains 13 grams of protein, 1.1 grams of fat, 54 mg of calcium, 203 mg of phosphorus, 205 mg of iron, and is also rich in B vitamins.

  What are the health effects of crucian carp?

  1, enhance disease resistance

   crucian carp contains excellent, complete, Easily digested and absorbed, it is a good protein source for liver and kidney diseases, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Regular food can enhance disease resistance, prevent hypertension, arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, is an excellent food for patients with liver, kidney, chronic bronchitis and other diseases. Eat regularly to supplement nutrition and enhance disease resistance.

  2. Breast-feeding and milk-promoting

  Carassius auratus has breast-feeding effect. The folk often stew crucian carp soup for postpartum women, which can not only supplement the deficiency, but also have the effect of promoting milk and milk. Especially those who are physically weak after giving birth, after surgery, or after illness, often eat crucian carp to benefit the body recovery.

  3. Beauty

   Carassius auratus has less fat, so it tastes fresh and not fatty, and it is very suitable for women who want to be beautiful and afraid of fat. Crucian carp contains comprehensive and high-quality protein, which can play a good role in strengthening the skin''s elastic fiber composition. Regular consumption can improve the rough skin condition and eliminate wrinkles caused by stress, lack of sleep and other factors.

  【Recommended dishes】Carassius auratus radish stew with tofu

  【Raw material】One fresh crucian carp, half a white radish, one tofu, ginger slices, cooking wine, salt, chicken essence, white sugar, peanut oil , Chives, etc.


   (1) Carassius auratus scales, gills, and offal, wash and wipe dry water, and make three diagonal cuts on both sides of the fish body. Shred white radish.

   (2) Heat the pan and put oil, fragrant ginger slices, add crucian carp to fry until golden brown on both sides, and stand up for use.

  (3) Put appropriate amount of water in the pot, pour crucian carp, shredded radish, tofu, and cooking wine. Change to low heat and simmer for 3 minutes until the soup is creamy white.

  【Therapeutic effect】This soup has a good effect of clearing fat and slimming. Radish has the effects of spleen and stomach, phlegm and cough. Carassius auratus can replenish qi and warm the spleen and stomach. Stewing soup together can improve human immunity and prevent colds. It is suitable for middle-aged and elderly to eat in winter.

  Warm tips:

   (1) Because gout contains high purines, gout patients should not eat it. It is not advisable to eat more during a cold or fever.

   (2) The content of cholesterol in fish roe is high, so it is not suitable for middle-aged and elderly people and patients with high blood fat and high cholesterol.

   (3) The best of crucian carp is steamed live stew, not fried. Carassius auratus and tofu with stew soup is the most nutritious, especially suitable for winter consumption.

   (4) Remove fishy smell: cut open and wash the fish, soak in milk for a while, and increase the umami. After eating fish, there is a fishy smell in the mouth, you can chew a few pieces of tea, and breathe freshly immediately.

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