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How is the nutrition of various vegetable juices

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-23

  Vegetables and fruits can not only be made into delicious dishes, but also can be made into antioxidant-rich fruit and vegetable juice drinks. Because fresh fruit and vegetable juice can effectively supplement vitamins and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium, it can adjust the coordination of human functions, enhance cell vitality and gastrointestinal function, promote the secretion of digestive juice and eliminate fatigue.

  I still remember that when I traveled to the March 8th Arch in Macau, a cup of freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juice at 5 yuan was much more affordable than a carbonated drink! The price is inexpensive and the nutritional value is high. In the dry season of autumn, we should drink more water every day, of course, I hope you can drink homemade fruit juice at home every day. Let''s take a look at the nutrition and health value of these vegetable juices.

  The following introduces the nutritional value of homemade fresh vegetable juices. If it is blended, there must be no such nutritional health effects.

   (1) Orange juice: moisturizes the stomach and strengthens blood vessels, preventing heart disease, stroke, colds, colds and bruises. Quench your thirst and help eliminate fatigue.

   (2) Apple juice: Regulates the stomach and intestines, promotes kidney function, nourishes, enhances memory, and eliminates human fatigue. Its rich potassium can synthesize excess sodium in the body to excrete it from the body, so it also reduces Pressure effect.

   (3) Kiwi juice (singular fruit juice): rich in VC, clearing away heat and relieving diarrhoea. Wufa Beauty prevents the synthesis of carcinogens in the body and prevents the occurrence of various cancers. It can also reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and has an adjuvant treatment effect on hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and coronary heart disease.

   (4) Grape juice: Regulates the heartbeat, nourishes the blood and calms the mind, strengthens the kidney and liver function, and helps digestion.

   (5) Grapefruit juice: lower cholesterol, prevent cold and gum bleeding. It has antibacterial and antiviral effects. It can inhibit various bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Shigella. In addition, it can expectorant cough, lower blood sugar.

   (6) Mango juice: helps digestion and prevents seasickness and vomiting sore throat.

   (7) Pineapple juice: reduces swelling, helps digestion, and relieves sore throat.

   (8) Peach juice: high iron content, promoting blood circulation, moisturizing intestines, regenerating liver, nourishing liver, improving immunity and anti-aging.

  (9) Hawthorn juice: lower blood pressure, lower blood fat, lower cholesterol, relieve coronary heart disease, prevent cerebral arteriosclerosis, and help digestion.

   (10) Apricot juice: Shengjin quenches thirst, nourishes lungs and phlegm, clears away heat and detoxifies.

   (11) Litchi juice: nourishing the kidney and improving essence, appetizing and strengthening the spleen.

   (12) Strawberry juice: Improves gums, nourishes yin and nourishes the lungs, nourishes qi and kidneys.

   (13) Banana juice: improve energy, strengthen muscles, moisturize the lungs and intestines, and smooth blood.

   (14) Lemon juice: rich in VC, cough and phlegm, helps to eliminate toxins in the body.

  (15) Pear juice: moisturizes the lungs, replenishes body fluids, relieves cough and reduces phlegm.

   (16) Coconut juice: prevent heart disease, arthritis and cancer, and strengthen the skin.

   (17) Papaya juice: stagnate lungs, help digest protein. Can effectively supplement human nutrients and enhance the body''s disease resistance. What people are more happy about is its effect of milking and treating lymphocytic leukemia (ie blood cancer).

   (18) Watermelon juice: relieves heat and diuresis, lowers blood pressure. Because watermelon contains a large amount of water, a variety of amino acids and sugar, it is a good product for relieving heat and relieving heat. It can also treat inflammation of the throat and mouth, and is a savior for urinary tract infections and dry stools.

  (19) Celery juice: to calm emotions, relieve inner anxiety and stress, is a good companion for modern high-paced people, is a compulsory recommendation for nutritionists to stay up late, the most important thing is, celery juice Hypertensive patients have a significant antihypertensive effect.

   (20) Tomato juice: It can protect skin elasticity, promote bone development, reduce freckles and facial pigmentation, and its vitamin P can protect blood vessels and prevent high blood pressure.

   (21) Cucumber juice: can effectively promote the body''s metabolism, lose weight and anti-aging, but also calm the nervous system, enhance memory, and assist in the treatment of insomnia.

   (22) Carrot juice: benefiting eyes, can enhance human immunity, prevent cancer and anti-cancer, but also protect the visual system, stimulate bile secretion, neutralize cholesterol, increase intestinal wall elasticity, soothe nerves. Is a good companion for modern computer people.

  (23) Almond Lotion: Contains a certain amount of almond glycosides and more almond essential oil, has the effects of Xuanfei Runchang, cough and asthma, beauty and beauty. Almond is a traditional Chinese medicine with sweet and bitter taste.

   (24) Walnut Dew: Contains a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids and phospholipids, especially has the function of soothing the mind and nourishing the brain, it has the effect of enhancing memory, developing intelligence and improving sleep quality. Motherland Medicine believes that walnuts are warm, sweet, and non-toxic, and have the effects of strengthening stomach, nourishing blood, nourishing lungs, and nourishing the mind.

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