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Why do winter melons eat in summer

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-26

Why is it called winter melon? Because, after the winter melon matures, it is covered with a layer of hoarfrost, just like the winter snow falling on it. Winter melon is a summer seasonal dish. In the heat of summer, the coat is very beautiful, so it is named "winter melon". Winter melon is suitable for eating in summer, diuretic and dampness.

  The health benefits of winter melon

  Chinese medicine believes that winter melon is sweet, light, and cold, and enters the lungs, large intestine, small intestine, and bladder;


   has the effects of moistening the lungs, relieving thirst, reducing phlegm and quenching thirst, diuresis and swelling, clearing heat and removing heat, detoxifying and purging;

   can be used for thirst heat, phlegm-heat cough, edema, beriberi, Conditioning for fullness, thirst, acne, facial spots, anal prolapse, hemorrhoids, etc. can also relieve fish and alcohol.

  Winter Gourd Barley Duck

  Materials: 500 g winter melon, 50 g barley, 1 lean duck.


   1. Peel and cut the winter melon; wash and cut the duck meat.

   2. Combine the winter melon and duck meat and Barley is put into the pot together, and the water is cooked.

   3. Put in the seasoning you like.

  Warm tips:

   1. Winter melon is cold and not suitable for raw food.

   2. Winter melon is a kind of ideal daily food for antipyretic and diuretic. It is more effective to cook soup with skin.

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