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Do you know which symptoms belong to excessive fatigue

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-26

  The symptoms of excessive fatigue are as follows:

  1, memory loss

  As the sense of fatigue strengthens, I gradually begin to forget people who have already remembered Name, and the ability of mental arithmetic will gradually decline.

   2. Constant problems

   often has headaches, chest tightness, tinnitus, and dizziness, and the examination has no results.

  3. Loss of appetite

  Gastrointestinal disorders, loss of appetite, no appetite, often skip breakfast or irregular meal times. Weight changes in the short term.

   4. "General belly" appears early

   Often, among people between 30 and 50 years old, there are not many people with big belly poop, why is this? Because they are very likely Already have high blood lipids, hypertension, fatty liver and coronary heart disease.

  5. Go to the bathroom frequently

  If you are between 30 and 40 years old and have more excretion times than normal people, it means that the digestive system and urinary system have begun to decline.

  6. Abnormal body

  Stiff numbness of shoulder and neck, abnormal liver function, history of hypertension and diabetes, abnormal ECG.

  7. Emotional fluctuations are large

  I often regret doing things, being irritable, irritable, and pessimistic, making it difficult to control my emotions.

  8. Poor sleep quality

  Because of fatigue, the time for sleeping and rest is getting less and less. Even if you wake up, you won’t feel the slightest relief, and it’s very easy to get tired And depression leads to insomnia, and sometimes the concentration cannot be concentrated, and the ability to concentrate is getting worse, resulting in inefficient work.

  9. Hair loss, alopecia areata, early baldness

  Every time you wash your hair, there is a lot of hair loss. Early-onset baldness or continuous hair loss are both stressful and stressful. To.

  10. Decreased sexual performance

  Middle-aged people with premature backache and leg pain, decreased libido or impotence in men, and premature amenorrhea in women are the first signs of physical decline.

  If you have the above problems, please be sure to care about yourself.

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