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Eating these kinds of nuts every day will become more and more healthy

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-26

   nuts are known to human health. Eating an appropriate amount of 20-30 grams of nuts per day is beneficial to the health of the human heart, brain health and beauty, and is a healthy snack that must be eaten every day.

   Cranberry is a small round fruit that grows on a dwarf vine. It is naturally bright red, crisp and sour.

   Cranberries contain various antioxidants such as procyanidins, which can resist the excessive oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids in biofilms, protect the structure and function of biofilms, and prevent various diseases such as aging and tumors. play an important role.

   In addition, cranberries can also reduce the risk of breast cancer and heart disease.

   "Cranberry Nutritional Efficacy"

  Dried stems are rich in iron and calcium, and are children, pregnant women, and frail, neurasthenic, and over-fatigue, anemia Good tonic.

   can nourish qi and blood, warm the palace and warm yang.

  The dried stem contains a lot of glucose, which has a nutritional effect on the heart muscle and helps prevent and recover coronary heart disease.

   "Nutrition Efficacy of Raisin Dried"

   dietary fiber can help the body control blood sugar and blood lipids, as well as help clear the bowel, and prevent many kinds of cancer.

  According to the "Chinese Food Ingredients List", the highest content of dietary fiber in nuts is almond (almond kernel).

  Almond kernels are rich in vitamin B and vitamin E. Because almonds contain vitamin E, it can suppress the occurrence of heart disease by reducing the amount of cholesterol that blocks arteries.

  Almond contains magnesium, potassium and calcium and other minerals, which can help the body maintain normal blood pressure levels.

  《Nutrition Effect of Almond Kernels》

  Cashew nuts are named because of their kidney shape. Chinese medicine believes that cashews are sweet and smooth, and have antihypertensive, beauty, longevity and diuretic cooling Of efficacy. Cashew is a kind of nutritious and sweet dried fruit, which can be eaten as a snack and made into a delicious dish.

  The vitamins and trace elements in cashew nuts have a good effect of softening blood vessels, which is of great benefit in protecting blood vessels and preventing cardiovascular diseases.

   "Nutrition Effects of Cashew Nuts"

  Recent research by the University of Scranton shows that walnuts are the healthiest nuts because they contain the most powerful anti-disease and anti-aging properties Antioxidants.

   Another foreign study shows that increasing the intake of nut foods, especially walnuts, can improve the cognitive ability of middle-aged and elderly people.

   Walnuts are especially needed for children and pregnant women.

   "Nutrition Effects of Walnut Kernels"

  Daily Nuts: A pack of five ingredients.

  American cranberry

  South American dried raisins

  Southeast Asian cashews

  Xinjiang walnut kernels

  North American almonds Ren

   a box of 30 sachets, one sachet per day is delicious and nutritious. It is suitable for families of all ages.

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