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Qi and blood fail? The three acupuncture points are super practical

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-26

  Smooth qi and blood is a normal physiological function of the human body. If it is not smooth, qi and blood stasis will result, leading to diseases such as hypertension and cerebral thrombosis.

   Neiguan point

   Neiguan point is located two inches above the wrist stripes.

  Knead both sides with your thumb and fingertips, and press it to feel sore or sore. Each press requires one press and one release, press and hold for half a minute, then release and repeat. At least three minutes each time, unlimited times per day.

  Shenmen Point

  Shenmen Point is located on the inside of the palm, on the wrist stripes of the little finger.

  Knead Shenmen acupuncture point, preferably with a slight soreness. Three minutes each time, three times a day.

  Tianquan acupoint

  Tianquan acupoint is located two inches from the underarm horizontal stripes.

When you knead, press hard with your fingers for 3 to 5 seconds, stop for 1 to 2 seconds and continue, and continue to press for 2 to 3 minutes.

  Kneading the above three special effect points can effectively keep qi and blood smooth.

  Health Tips

  1, I feel weak or weak in speech, often feel tired and do not want to speak;

  2, His face is pale or relatively dull;

  3, the tongue is dark purple or has petechiae, and the pulse is thin;

  4, the limbs are easy to numb or even pain, and the hands and feet are cold or fever;

  5. Symptoms such as flank stinging, jaundice, anorexia, abdominal distension, etc.;

  6. Frequent palpitations, chest tightness, or paroxysmal chest pain, dark lips, tongue Ziqi;

  7. Women have pain in the lower abdomen before or during menstruation and refuse to press. The amount of menstruation is small or the line is not smooth, and it gradually increases. There are blood clots in the meridian color. After the blood clots are discharged, the pain decreases or disappears, accompanied by premenstrual chest and rib pain;

  8. Perineum, testicles discomfort, or hematuria, blood sperm. Purple tongue or petechiae.

  If you meet the above three items, you must rub the acupuncture points frequently.

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