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Only with a good attitude can you live long and healthy

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

  Why does health and longevity start from the heart?

  There are data showing that after long-term follow-up of the longevity secrets of many healthy and long-lived elderly people, almost the same conclusion is reached: first of all, you must have a good attitude.

  Here is a healthy song written by a centenarian:

   cheerful and optimistic mood,

   regular daily life;

There is no shortage of labor and exercise,

  reasonably rests and sleeps;

  healthy food and restraint,

  homes are clean and sunny;

  quit smoking Liquor-limited sexual desire,

  Bad hobbies are far away;

  Minor illnesses are treated early without delay,

  Pay attention to safety and prevent accidents.

   It is not difficult to see that the old man puts his emotions first, and moderate temperance is revealed between the lines of the song, which is also a manifestation of a healthy mentality.

  Medical research shows that emotions are closely related to people’s health. When a person encounters mental stress and is in a bad psychological state such as tension, anger, anxiety, etc., it will cause abnormal physiological changes.

  If it takes a long time to occur repeatedly, it will cause disease. Psychology believes that bad emotions hinder emotional communication, lead to guilt and depression, and provide an opportunity for disease.

  According to statistics, people with low mood are prone to cancer and neurasthenia.

  The World Health Organization has such a basic judgment on human health: Human health and longevity 15% depends on genetics, 10% depends on social conditions, 8% depends on medical conditions, 7% depends on the natural environment, and 60% depends on personal lifestyle and behavior, and lifestyle and behavior are mainly determined by people’s mentality.

   Therefore, if you want to be healthy and longevity, you must start from the "heart": you want to be open when you are in trouble, leave aside your worries, and untie your worries--health and longevity come naturally.

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