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Five health effects of loofah

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

   loofah is cold and sweet, with the functions of clearing heat, detoxifying, cooling blood to stop bleeding, acupuncture meridians, blood vessels, beauty, anti-cancer, etc., and can treat such things as phlegm and cough, impaired milk, fever and thirst, muscle pain , Bloody stools and other diseases. Clearing heat and removing phlegm; cooling blood and detoxifying. The main fever is heat and thirst; phlegm and cough; blood intestinal wind, bleeding of hemorrhoids; hemorrhage; uterine bleeding; carbuncle ulcers; unknown swelling poison; edema. Loofah is fresh and tender, with fragrant and crisp sweetness. It is a good dish for clearing away heat, cooling blood and detoxifying. Loofah is not only rich in nutrients, but also has certain medicinal value.

  5 loofahs Health effects:

  1, excessive foot sweating

   burn the old luffa into charcoal, grind it into fine powder, sprinkle it in shoes, and wear it barefoot for half a month.

  2. Jiannao Beauty

   Due to the high content of vitamin B in loofah, please pay attention to the beauty skin care guide: aamrhfzn Conducive to the development of children''s brains and the health of middle-aged and elderly people; the juice of loofah cane has a special function to maintain the elasticity of the skin and can wrinkle beauty;

  3, whitening and anti-aging

   loofah Juice has the reputation of "beauty water". Contains B-group vitamins to prevent skin aging, vitamin C and other ingredients to whiten skin, can protect skin, eliminate plaque, and make skin white and delicate.

  Cut off the growing loofah vines, and drain the liquid juice. Apply gauze dipped in loofah water to the face or skin to moisturize the muscles and prevent wrinkles. You can also wring the loofah directly. Mix in a proper amount of honey or glycerin for better results.

  4. Irregular menstruation

  Use 1 loofah, add 1 bowl of water for decoction, and drink to adjust. Dry the loofah seeds, add water to a bowl of decoction, add a small amount of brown sugar after the water is boiled, and warm the yellow wine once a day in the morning and evening, which is effective for regulating irregular menstruation.

   1 old loofah, dried and ground into fine powder, 9 grams each time, served with salt water. It can treat menorrhagia.

  5. Treatment of allergic asthma

  Method 1: Wash and squeeze the loofah and vinegar, take 1 spoonful each time, 3 times a day.

   Method 2: Raw 2 small gourds, cut off, boiled in a casserole, take 150 ml of concentrated juice, 3 times a day.

  Allergic asthma is a relatively stubborn disease, which usually occurs in infants and young children. If you ignore treatment, you can accompany it for life.

  Most asthma patients have allergies or allergic rhinitis. The asthma patients with allergic rhinitis have symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy nose, itchy eyes, and tearing.

   Because symptoms are similar to respiratory tract infection or inflammation, adults lack relevant knowledge, often neglect treatment early, and are also likely to be misdiagnosed.

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