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Must-eat "warm-up dishes"

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

  First dish


  The first dish of the winter warm-up food champion list---white radish

  Recommended reason: In our country, there are " "Little ginseng" is also known as "eat radish in winter and eat in summer "Ginger" says. Radish is rich in carbohydrates and a variety of vitamins, and the content of vitamin C is 8-10 times higher than that of pears. Radish does not contain oxalic acid, not only does it not combine with calcium in food, but also is more conducive to calcium absorption

  Eating method: the upper part of the part close to the leaves has a sweeter taste, less spicy taste, and the most moisture More should be eaten raw, preferably for salads or cold salads; the middle part has the same degree of spiciness and sweetness, which is most suitable for cooking, steaming or stewing; the last piece is the place with the most fiber and the spiciness is very strong, Suitable for frying or frying.

   is the best match: In winter, people often eat more meat in order to resist the cold, and meat is easy to produce phlegm and easy to get angry. With cool radish, it can cool, detoxify and remove fire

  First fruit


  recommendation Reasons: Hawthorn is a seasonal ingredient in winter, and at the same time has pharmacology, it can appetize, eliminate food and promote blood circulation.

  The most prominent benefit of hawthorn is the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, because hawthorn contains flavonoids, which have a certain effect on lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, softening blood vessels and calming.

   The best way to eat: Hawthorn is eaten raw, which has the effect of eliminating body fat and reducing fat absorption. People who lose weight may wish to try it. Using hawthorn to make soup or tea is suitable for people with bad appetite. The best match: boil hawthorn soup or use hawthorn to make tea, best match cassia seed, can play a role in reducing blood lipids.

  First drink

    ダダダダダダむダむダ Recommended reason: Cold winter emphasizes warm tonic, as far as drinks are concerned, brown sugar water Is the most suitable. Brown sugar has the reputation of "Oriental Chocolate", and its benefits are "warm tonic, warm to pass, warm to loosen". It has the functions of stasis and cold, warms the stomach and spleen, relieves pain, and is rich in calcium, Iron and other essential minerals.

   The best way to eat: Brown sugar water must be cooked. The cooked brown sugar water is easier to absorb than the direct brewing with hot water, and it has the effect of nourishing qi, strengthening the spleen and warming the stomach.

  Best match: When cooking brown sugar water, you can add A small piece of ginger, just crush the ginger and add it, Cook with brown sugar for about 10 minutes, and finally remove the ginger, so that the warming effect is better. You can also add white fungus, wolfberry, red dates or red beans to cook together, which is beneficial to the effect of water and diuresis.

  The first soup

  Dongsun bamboo shoot soup

  Recommended reason: Dongsun is rich in cellulose, which can promote intestinal peristalsis , Help digestion.

   Winter bamboo shoots are a kind of high-protein, low-starch food, which has a certain therapeutic effect on cardiovascular diseases; bamboo fungus contains a variety of amino acids, vitamins, inorganic salts, as well as the commonly known as "scrape oil".

  Both soups are not only delicious, but also relieve the accumulated food after "Dongbu".

   The best way to eat: Bamboo fungus is rich in glutamic acid, so it is delicious and more suitable for boiling soup.

  Best match: Winter mushrooms can be added to the winter bamboo shoots and bamboo fungus soup, which not only increases the freshness and flavor, but also has more nutritional value.

  First meat


  Recommended reason: It is the best season to eat lamb in the cold winter months. In winter, the body is prone to cold hands and feet and poor circulation of qi and blood. Lamb has kidney and aphrodisiac, The effect of warming qi and blood, appetizing and strengthening the spleen, so eating lamb in winter can not only resist the wind and cold, but also nourish the body.

  The best way to eat: Lamb is best stewed, because the stewed lamb will be more cooked, tender and easy to digest.

  Best match: match hawthorn or mung bean to remove the smell; match with white radish and yam to supplement spleen and kidney, benefit stomach and smooth liver; match carrot to supplement deficiency and qi.

  First Supplement


  Recommended Reasons: The general principles of keeping in good health in winter should be to benefit qi and help yang, nourish yin and nourish the kidney Mainly, and wolfberry is a good choice for winter tonic.

   Goji berry contains various nutrients essential for human body: protein, fat, sugar, inorganic salts and multi-vitamins. It has certain therapeutic effects on liver and kidney yin deficiency, waist and knee pain, visual weakness and diabetes.

   The best way to eat: Eating Chinese wolfberry in winter can be paired with various porridges. Goji berry also has a simple How to eat is to chew morning and evening, chewing food to absorb nutrients in wolfberry more fully. But pay attention when chewing wolfberry, it is best to halve the number, no It is easy to over-tonify. In general, healthy adults eat about 20 grams of wolfberry every day.

  Best recipe: Chinese yam stewed wolfberry, refreshing taste, low fat, high nutrients, help the metabolism also has a cosmetic effect, especially suitable for menopausal women.

  First Multigrain

  Sweet Potato

  Recommended Reason: Eating a hot sweet potato in winter is the most pleasant thing.

  Sweet potatoes are rich in carbohydrates, dietary fiber, carotene, vitamins, potassium, magnesium, copper, selenium, calcium and more than 10 trace elements.

  The best way to eat: Although people are used to eating roasted sweet potatoes, in fact, steamed sweet potatoes are the healthier choice, not only can reduce the loss of nutrients, but also reduce the harmful substances produced by roasting .

  Best recipe: You can make porridge with sweet potatoes and rice, which has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach.

  The first snack


  Recommended reason: chestnuts have the reputation of "the king of thousand fruits", or kidneys Easy tonic "tonic", suitable for all ages.

The unsaturated fatty acids and various vitamins contained in    chestnuts are very beneficial to the heart, brain and blood vessels.

   The best way to eat: those with spleen and stomach deficiency can use chestnuts, jujubes, poria, rice porridge to drink; whether it is soup or fried food, it should be chewed carefully to achieve better tonic effect .

  Best recipe: Chestnut stewed chicken, suitable for people with spleen deficiency and cold, beneficial to qi and kidney.

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