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Nine physical fitness regimens

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

   helped a friend to do a physical assessment today, and the result was Qi deficiency constitution. What are the characteristics of people with qi deficiency constitution? Do you see if you have such symptoms?

  People with weak physiques are weak to speak, weak and weak, plain voice is weak, short of speech, and do not like to talk much. It''s easy to feel tired, lack of energy, and love to sweat, easy to catch a cold, and can''t stand cold evil, wind evil, and summer evil. When the weather changes a little, I feel uncomfortable.

  Why is this happening?

   The main reasons are summarized as follows: mostly due to insufficient innate endowments, and acquired inadequate supplements. Such as weak parents, premature birth, improper artificial feeding, partial eclipse, anorexia, or gas deficiency due to illness, weak old age, etc.

  What should I do?

  Xiongmiao dietitian’s dietary recommendations:

  qi deficiency and blood deficiency, food can choose to supplement Qi : Mainly tonic of spleen and stomach deficiency.

   can choose: glutinous rice, rice, millet, barley, corn, buckwheat, chestnut, peanut, lotus seed, hazelnut kernel, jujube.

  Brown sugar, white lentils, yam, pumpkin, mushrooms, mushrooms, hericium, pork belly, beef, eggs, loach, chicken, pigeons, quail, yellow croaker, lily, loofah, shepherd''s purse, etc.


  Fat and blood supplement foods: hazelnut kernel, beef, donkey meat, eel, octopus, soybean, peanut, catfish, mandarin fish, etc.

  Examples of specific recipes:

  White lentil porridge:

  White lentils 60g, rice 100g, boil over high heat, small Fire boiled into porridge. You can eat it sooner or later.

  Efficacy: Jianpi Yiqi

  Chicken soup porridge

   Hen soup 1000ml, rice 50g, mix porridge with rice and chicken soup prepared earlier .

  Efficacy: nourishing qi and nourishing blood

  Astragalus stewed chicken

  raw astragalus 30g, one hen, put the raw astragalus into the abdomen of the hen and suture Okay, cook in the pot, stew the chicken and drink the soup, eat the scum.

  Efficacy: tonifying lungs and qi, strengthening spleen and stomach.

  Recommend suitable health tea with a special qi-deficiency constitution:

  Ginseng and jujube tea: ginseng, jujube, Poria

  ginseng—— Sexual, mild, sweet, slightly bitter. "Shen Nong''s Materia Medica" contains ginseng with the functions of "invigorating the five internal organs, restoring the spirit, calming the soul, stopping the palpitations, removing evil spirits, and bright eyes and happy puzzle." Ginseng nourishes Qi first", which is suitable for people with qi deficiency constitution.

  Jujube---Gan, warm. Return to the spleen and stomach meridian. The Benjing contains: "Anzhong nourishes the spleen and helps the twelve meridians. Stomach qi and nourishing qi.

  Medical and food homology, tea therapy health.

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