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Intestinal health is an important guarantee for our physical health

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

  The intestine is a part of the digestive tract, located at the middle and lower end of the digestive tract. People often treat the intestine as a drainage pipe, just like the urethra is a urinary pipe. People often think of it when they have abdominal pain, diarrhea, and constipation. it.

   Actually, the intestine is in the human body The role in this is significant. The health of the intestine is closely related to the overall health of the human body.

  Intestinal contribution to the human body:

   1. Among the various nutrients required by the human body, 99% is absorbed from the intestine of. The intestine is the digestive organ of food and the most important and critical organ for nutrient absorption;

  2. Human waste and toxins, 80% are discharged from the intestine, and the intestine is the human body The most important and critical organ for excretion of wastes and toxins;

  3. You may not yet know that the intestine is still the largest immune organ of the human body! The intestine is the first to resist toxins and harmful substances Dao Defensive Line;

   4. There is a function you may not know, some bacteria in the intestine have the function of synthesizing B vitamins, some of the B vitamins that our body needs are synthesized in the intestine and Absorbed;

  The above introduction is enough to illustrate the importance of the gut

  So how can we ensure the health of the gut?

< p>  The answer given by modern medical research is: The key to intestinal health is the balance of intestinal flora.

   There are countless bacteria in the intestinal tract, which are more than the cells of the human body, and can reach 100 trillion if they are arranged together and can circle the earth for more than two weeks.

  According to the impact on the human body, bacteria can be divided into two categories:

   First, bacteria that are beneficial to the human body are called beneficial bacteria

   Second, yes Harmful bacteria of the human body are called harmful bacteria.

  When harmful bacteria and beneficial bacteria reach a balance, they exist in each other, and they are parasitic in the human intestines, which will not cause harm to the human body.

   The key to maintaining this balance is in beneficial bacteria.

  If there are more harmful bacteria than beneficial bacteria to make the flora dysregulate, it will cause:

  Diarrhea, constipation, and decreased immunity of the human body. Sex toxemia, tumor, etc.

   Therefore, supplementing with beneficial bacteria is our health needs. To be healthy, we must pay attention to the health of our intestines.

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