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Regulate Qi and Blood, Remove Dampness and Cold

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-27

   Men must not be without ginger for one day, and women must not be without sugar for one day. Women use blood as their main source of nourishing yin and nourishing blood. Only bloody feet can make them look rosy and beautiful, with normal menstrual blood and vigorous energy, otherwise they will easily appear yellow and pale, pale lips, dizziness, fatigue and fatigue, and dry limbs. , Low menstrual blood volume, delayed menstrual period and other symptoms.

   is also prone to occur in severe anemia Premature aging conditions such as early wrinkles, early hair whitening and early menopause. Anemia can be said to be the fate of women. A survey showed that about 1 in 5 women had anemia. You, or your sister, and your mother may have anemia.

What is the cause of   iron deficiency anemia?

  First of all, there is an increase in iron demand and insufficient intake. Women with menorrhagia, pregnancy or breastfeeding have an increased need for iron, and iron deficiency anemia is likely to occur if they are lacking in the diet. The second is iron malabsorption. Iron deficiency anemia due to iron absorption disorders is relatively rare. Another is blood loss. For example, women''s menorrhagia and hemolytic anemia with hemosiderinuria or hemoglobinuria can easily cause iron deficiency anemia.

   It can be said that from girlhood to middle-aged and elderly, iron-deficiency anemia has been secretly peeping at you who is always iron-deficient. So today I recommend to you a healthy candy that is perfect for women to drink every day.

   Traditional hand-made ancient brown sugar + old ginger + camellia oil is a thousand-year-old ancient recipe.

   1. The brown sugar added to the ancient brown sugar is sugar cane sugar that has not been highly refined and decolorized. It contains trace elements and is beneficial to the body’s acid-base balance.

   2. The old yellow ginger has a moderate spiciness and is easy to import. The cold-repellent effect is several times that of ordinary ginger. Only when the ginger breaks the wall can nutrients be completely released!

   3. Add 100% pure refined super-grade camellia oil to ensure a smooth taste. It can also treat constipation.

   4. The three will cook together for 12 hours. (Without any addition)

   has the functions of nourishing blood, detoxifying, expelling cold, removing dampness, warming the palace, warming the stomach, anti-aging, promoting blood circulation and removing stasis, soothing dysmenorrhea, etc., and helps women recover after childbirth. It can be said that from girlhood to middle-aged and old, iron-deficiency anemia has been secretly peeping at you who is always lack of iron. Therefore, it is recommended that people with the above symptoms drink a cup of ginger sugar every day.

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