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Stomach cold should not be missed

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-27

  A symptom caused by poor eating habits, such as uncontrolled diet, frequent eating of cold drinks or cold food. Coupled with the fast pace of life and high mental stress, it is more likely to cause stomach problems. Therefore, it is necessary to develop good dietary habits, and patients with stomach cold can eat pepper pork belly soup, ginger water, pepper and ginger are condiments for stomach and stomach warming, can regulate the symptoms of stomach cold, restore healthy spleen and stomach.

  Of course, you need to be alert for your stomach Organic lesions, it is best to go to the hospital for gastroscopy.

  Stomach cold symptom: Spleen deficiency and stomach cold are generally dominated by spleen-yang deficiency, which often causes pain due to cold weather and cold foods. When the pain is accompanied by coldness in the stomach, warm symptoms Lighten. Many people who have stomach problems dare not eat cold or cold food, or when the weather gets colder, the temperature drops, the stomach hurts, and diarrhea occurs.

   should be mainly based on dietary conditioning, mainly to keep the diet regular, especially in summer, try to be restrained, do not eat too much frozen food, adjust the body and stomach, spleen deficiency and stomach cold Curable. In addition to taking medicine, diet can also treat stomach cold.

  Warm stomach porridge

   Ingredients: cloves 6 grams, cinnamon 6 grams, dried ginger 6 grams, japonica rice 100 grams;

Method: Grind cloves, cinnamon and dried ginger as fine powder, transfer 3-5 grams into boiled porridge every time, and cook it into porridge at the same time, you can add a little white sugar;

  Efficacy: The porridge has the functions of dissipating cold in the warmth, warming the stomach and relieving pain, and is suitable for those with stomachache cold pain and loose stools.

  Ginger brown sugar water

   Ingredients: 5 slices of ginger, 5 red dates, 3 grams of tangerine peel;

  Method: Wash red dates After the pit is removed, put it in the pot together with ginger slices and orange peel, add the appropriate amount of water, and boil it on high fire;

  Efficacy: This water has the effect of warming the stomach and dispersing cold, and the air travel, suitable for the stomach Those who are afraid of cold and full of uncomfortable pain.

  Angelica ginger mutton soup

   Ingredients: Angelica 30g, ginger 60g, lamb 500g, orange peel 10g;

Method: After dicing the lamb and blanching the water, put the angelica, ginger and orange peel together in the sand pot, add a small amount of rice wine, a proper amount of boiling water, after the fire is boiled, put it in a small fire for about 1 hour, season with soy sauce, salt, coriander, etc. Edible;

  Efficacy: This soup has the functions of warming the blood, dispelling cold and warming the stomach, regulating menstruation and analgesic. It is suitable for abdominal pain, fatigue, fatigue, panic palpitations, anemia, low menstruation and dysmenorrhea. It is consumed daily by people with weak constitution.

  Ginger Girl has ginger sugar

  Ginger Girl has ginger sugar with old yellow ginger, brown sugar, Youchuang 100% special grade camellia oil as raw material, Made from boil, refuse any additives.

   effect is more significant than ordinary ginger brown sugar, extra-grade camellia oil can balance the heat of ginger, moisturize the stomach and stomach, taste good without getting angry, brew instant, easy to operate. It is very suitable for those with stomach cold, rain shower, swimmer and body cold.

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