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Ten golden points for body detoxification

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-27

  Detox is very important to health. If you can master the prime time of detoxification, the detoxification effect will be better. During a day, a person''s body temperature, blood pressure, pulse, respiration, hormone secretion, and mood all change with time. If you can find the life health care method that is closest to the biological rhythm of the human body, then health will be with you for a long time.

  07: 00 Psychology Bath + body bath

  After getting up and bathing with a slightly lower water temperature for 5 minutes, it can help your brain and body organs to be quickly stimulated, so that even if you sleep for a short night It can also guarantee full energy all morning.

  07:30 Open the window for ventilation + eat breakfast

  Eat breakfast with rich carbohydrates and protein, such as whole wheat bread, eggs, soy milk, Fresh fruits, etc., can not only reserve energy for a new day, but also make your whole body skin look radiant.

  08: 00 Vitamin supplement + drinking water detoxification

  Worry about unbalanced diet nutrition? This is the best time for you to add vitamins! Because after breakfast stimulation, Your digestion and absorption capacity is most active at this time, and can better absorb vitamins A, D, E, etc. Another key time for drinking water to detoxify is now. At this time, it is the turn of the liver and skin to detoxify. A cup of warm water can remove toxic substances and reduce the burden on the liver.

  Start work at 10:00

  This is the first prime time for work, your brain is full of horsepower, at this time the memory is excellent, Nerve excitability is very high, not easy to be negatively affected by stress. Chinese medicine believes that the spleen is on duty at this time, so the physical strength is the most vigorous and the work efficiency is very high.

  11:30 Enjoy lunch

   The best time to enjoy lunch is coming! Chinese medicine believes that this is the strongest time for the spleen to be transported, digesting food and The effect of absorbing nutrients is the best. The lunch mix should be as balanced as possible. It must have rich proteins such as chicken and fish, as well as green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals.

  13:00 appropriate nap

  nap time is preferably 15 minutes, at most no more than half an hour. At this time, if you take a nap at your desk, please prepare to sleep on the neck pillow, which will not oppress the eyeballs and is beneficial to cervical health. Chinese medicine also believes that this is the time for the heart meridian on duty, allowing the body to sleep can play the role of nourishing the Yang and protecting the heart.

  14:00 Drinking coffee + drinking water to detoxify

  14 cup of hot coffee, which can not only promote fat burning, but also awaken your energy and physical strength , To ensure that you are energetic in the afternoon, and you can avoid incomplete caffeine metabolism causing you to sleep at midnight. Another key time for drinking water and detoxification has come. At this time, it is the turn of the small intestine to be on duty. A cup of warm water can dilute the blood and help you remove metabolic waste from the blood.

  16:30 Sunbathing + drinking water detoxification

   Sunlight at this time is mainly beneficial to healthy ultraviolet A, which can promote the body to produce vitamin D, Not only helps burn fat, but also benefits bone health, but also reduces the incidence of arteriosclerosis. Drinking a cup of warm water after the sun is a good way to help the kidneys detoxify.

  19:30 walking outdoors

  walking outdoors for 20 minutes or walking the dog for 20 minutes, which can maximize fat burning, release stress, and Better regulate the biological rhythm in your body.

  23:00 sleep

  Chinese medicine believes that 23 o’clock is a day and night change, when the yang is the weakest, women especially need to sleep to nourish the liver . Staying up all night will affect the liver''s hematopoiesis and detoxification, delay the general cleaning of the organs, and greatly affect your skin, body and health.

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