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What to eat if you are tired

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-27

  Office workers staring at the computer in front of them or the densely arranged reports all day, their eyes will feel sore and unbearable. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "medlar, nourishes the kidney and sperm, and nourishes the liver and eyesight." Edible wolfberry can reduce ultraviolet stimulation and protect the optic nerve from damage. The best and easiest way to play the eye protection effect of wolfberry is to chew it and eat it. Generally healthy adults eat about 20 grams of wolfberry every day. If it is dry chewing wolfberry, the amount to eat should be halved, otherwise it is easy to over-tonify.

   brain fatigue eat more Nut

  The office worker has a heavy workload, and the brain has been running at high speed from morning to night. Many people report that when they get off work, they have a headache and a trance. In addition to getting up and walking around every hour during working hours to relax the brain nerves, you can eat a handful of nuts such as walnut kernels, pistachios, and almonds at 10 am or about 3 pm. They are rich in lecithin, Vitamins and trace elements have a good effect of repairing brain power.

  Stomach fatigue and eat more millet

  The office worker has a lot of entertainment, drinking, smoking, overeating, irregular eating time, etc. all make the stomach very hurt. Millet has the effect of nourishing the stomach. Chinese medicine believes that millet has a role in harmonizing stomach temperature. Millet tastes sweet and salty, and has the effects of clearing heat and thirst, strengthening stomach and dehumidifying, and stomach sleep. Those with internal heat and weak spleen and stomach are more suitable for consumption. Some people have a bad appetite. After eating millet, they can have appetite and nourish the stomach. It has the effects of strengthening the stomach and eliminating food, preventing nausea and vomiting.

  Leg fatigue, eat more bananas

  Many people have to travel a lot, running all over the world all the time, with heavy leg loads. Often it is running down all day, legs are sour and swollen, eat some bananas. One is because bananas are rich in potassium, which can effectively relieve our body fatigue; second, because potassium can eliminate excess salt in the body, so that the original swollen legs can become thinner.

  Heart fatigue, eat red beans

  Workers’ various meetings and entertainment "get together", the things to worry about one after another, it is easy to make the workers have the mental power Feeling. It is recommended to eat red beans when the body and mind are exhausted in winter. Li Shizhen calls red beans "the valley of the heart", which shows the heart-raising effect of red beans. From a clinical point of view, red beans can not only clear the heart, but also make up the blood. It is rich in crude fiber materials, which can clinically help lower blood fat, lower blood pressure, improve heart activity and other functions; at the same time, it is rich in iron and can qi and blood, which is very suitable for women with insufficient heart and blood.

  Sound fatigue, eat more pears

  Company meetings are more, many people do not report for the meeting, the plan is explained for several hours and say no Stop, not even the effort to drink water. With this, the voice becomes hoarse and unpleasant, the itch is always itching, or there is a foreign body sensation in the throat. It is recommended to add one more pear to the meal every day. The flesh of the pear has the functions of rejuvenating, moisturizing, clearing heat, reducing phlegm, etc. It is suitable for dysphoria, hot cough, phlegm fever, choking, thirst, and thirst. The peel of a pear has the effects of purifying the heart, moistening the lungs, lowering the fire and regenerating the body.

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