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These five categories of people belong to people with longevity

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

   As long as you look closely at us, you will find that people with longevity have some special physiological and professional characteristics, just like the following five categories of people.

  1. Beauty creator:

  Everyone who creates beauty, such as poet, writer, painter, sculptor, composer, band conductor, performer, calligrapher, magician, Gardeners, fashion designers, etc. have an average life expectancy of about 14 years longer than their contemporaries. The reason for the longevity of the beauty maker is to feel and appreciate beauty for many years, spiritual joy, spiritual purification, and physiological balance.

   2. The short:

  The survey found that the short is 11%-19% longer than the tall and middle. Men''s height is 165-168 cm, women''s height is 157-160 cm, their physical potential and organ function are the best, heat energy consumption is relatively small, which is conducive to longevity.

  3. Ear elders:

  Ancient medicine and physicists have long discovered that ear elders live longer. Chinese medicine believes: "The ear is the key to the kidney, and the hands, feet, and shaoyang meridians will be in the ear." Whether the elderly with ears has strong kidney qi requires further investigation. Waist thin: As the saying goes: "The longer the belt, the shorter the life expectancy." 95% of waist thin people live over 70 years of age, and rarely suffer from cardiovascular disease.

  4. Green people:

  Under the same material living conditions, gardeners who have been busy among the hundreds of flowers all year round have fewer flowers and plants and polluted air than they have worked all the year round The residents of the downtown area live an average of 7 more years.

  5. Brain-workers:

  Many Chinese and foreign statistics show that people who work hard to use their brains live longer, including thinkers, philosophers, writers, scientists, inventors, artists, Chess players, etc. Using more brains can delay the aging of the brain cells of the body''s "master housekeeper", which helps to regulate and balance the physiological functions of various organs in the body, thereby prolonging life.

In addition, scientists studying longevity also found that optimists, benevolent people, moderate people live longer.

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