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Black beans can nourish liver and kidney, strengthen muscles and bones, warm stomach

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

  1. Black beans have the functions of nourishing liver and kidney, strengthening bones and muscles, warming stomach and intestines, improving eyesight and activating blood circulation, diuretic and detoxifying. It is also a good product for moisturizing skin, anti-aging and anti-aging, beauty and beauty, and black hair with black hair.

  Black beans are rich in vitamins, lecithin, riboflavin, melanin, anthocyanins and isoflavones. The isoflavones and anthocyanins in black beans are also powerful antioxidants, which help to delay aging.

In addition, isoflavones can improve the symptoms of menopausal discomfort (such as palpitations, night sweats, insomnia, etc.), can promote the body''s absorption of calcium, and improve the symptoms of osteoporosis.

  Black beans are good anti-aging and anti-aging products. The ancient books record that black beans can stay in the face, eyesight, and hair, making the skin white and tender. This is because the content of B vitamins (vitamin B1, vitamin B2) and vitamin E in black beans is very high. Its vitamin E content is more than 7 times that of meat. It can protect the body in nutrition and health care, anti-aging and anti-aging, beauty and beauty, and enhance vitality. And other aspects play a role in promoting.

  Black bean black hair

  Practice: Boil black beans with vinegar, extract juice, about 10g each time, heat water to wash hair, can be black hair; or eat fried black beans 20 per night Grains, a spoonful of black sesame seeds, also has a black hair effect

  2, there is also a black hair recipe, that is, 50g of black beans are boiled each time, 2 times a day, even if there is no improvement for one month, can Use salt boiled black beans instead (add 5g of salt for every 500g of black beans), as before.

   3. Black bean glutinous rice porridge effect: nourish blood.

  Material: 30g black beans, 50g black glutinous rice, brown sugar amount. Method: Wash black beans and black glutinous rice together and cook them into porridge, add brown sugar to taste, twice a day, it is better to take it when warm.

   4. Black bean chicken feet soup effect: freckle and whitening.

  Materials: 100g black beans, 250g chicken feet, appropriate amount of salt. Method: Remove impurities from black beans, soak in clean water for 30min, and set aside; wash chicken feet, put them in a boiling water pot, add water, put chicken feet and black beans in, first boil with fire, remove froth, then switch to mild fire Cook until the meat and beans are cooked, add salt to taste and serve. It can be taken once a day for 10 days.

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