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"Milk partner" is harmful and useless

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-28

  Milk partner, looking at the name will make you think that it is eaten with milk and makes milk more "perfect". Is this really the case? In fact, it is just a beverage, and there is no corresponding national standard, and its ingredients are surprisingly miscellaneous. With glucose (or rock sugar, honey, etc.) as the main ingredient, add various names of Chinese medicinal materials (the most common is "Qinghuo traditional Chinese medicine"), nutrition fortifiers (such as DHA, zinc, iron, taurine, etc.), probiotics Yuan (oligosaccharides), fruit and vegetable powders, lactase.... And because of the difference in ingredients, many famous milk partner products have been transformed, which are exclusively for infants and young children, and are sought after by mothers. However, in my opinion, this drink of milk partner does not make the baby better nutrition, it is harmful and useless!

  Babys from 0 to 6 months should be exclusively breastfed. Pure breast milk means that you don’t add any food other than breast milk, of course, including a nameless milk partner. Some milk companion products actually claim to be suitable for breastfeeding small babies, which can be called foolish. Can not breastfeed infants who need to drink formula milk, there is no need to add any food other than milk, formula milk can almost meet all the needs of babies. DHA, zinc, prebiotics and other nutrients added to the milk companion product already exist in the formula of the formula (the content meets the national standard), and it is superfluous to eat again. Moreover, there is no national standard for the content of these nutrients in milk partners, and it is inevitable that there may be excessive amounts.

   Infants from 6 to 12 months should add supplementary foods, such as cod liver oil, fruit puree, vegetable puree, baby rice noodles, meat puree, liver puree, egg yolk, etc. They can provide milk alone can not meet the needs of the baby The nutrients that make the baby''s recipes diverse are the real "milk partners". The milk partner''s drink with glucose or other sugar as the main ingredient is not a good food supplement and is not recommended at all.

   After 1 year old, the recipes for young children are more complex and diverse. A balanced diet is gradually realized on the basis of milk, and the balanced diet obtains all the required nutrients. As we all know, infants and young children should avoid high-sugar drinks as much as possible. Milk partners are high-sugar drinks. Although the taste is not very sweet (glucose is less sweet than sucrose), the sugar content is not low. Even if it contains some unknown nutrients, it is still not cost-effective.

In summary, the nutritional value of the milk partner is not good enough for infants and young children, and is rarely necessary. So what about the so-called "clear fire", digestive aids and other functions? Not to mention the functions of these products (such as how to verify the fire? How much can you clear the fire?) has not been certified by the relevant departments, so "clear the fire" "It is already extremely hypocritical.

  People usually think that drinking milk is "upset" or "not easy to digest" (compared to breast milk), mainly because of the following problems with milk, ① (a few babies) milk protein allergies, eczema, digestion Unhealthy; ② (individual baby) lactose intolerance, flatulence, diarrhea, etc.; ③ high casein content and low whey protein content (the former is not as digestible as the latter). Allergic to milk protein, chrysanthemum, lotus core, honeysuckle and other fire-fighting traditional Chinese medicine are of no help, and only hydrolyzed protein formula can be used to solve it. Lactose intolerance, these traditional Chinese medicines are even more unhelpful, and lactose-free formula milk powder can be used to solve it. It is worth mentioning that the "lactase" added to individual milk partner products can theoretically help digest lactose, which is beneficial to lactose intolerant babies, but it is difficult to control a reasonable dose in practice, so it is not worth recommending. The last problem is that, unlike ordinary milk, formula milk powder has lowered casein and increased whey protein in accordance with the requirements of national standards. There is no need to worry about "difficult to digest".

  Mothers are more worried about the potential side effects of adding traditional Chinese medicines (the content of which has no national standard) to their children, instead of worrying about the "upset" and "indigestion" of formula milk. In particular, mothers should not erroneously attribute some of the problems that occur in the baby''s growth and development (such as milk protein allergies, iron deficiency anemia, partial eclipse, etc.) to "get angry" with milk powder, which cooperates with the marketing of milk partner products and delays the baby. Time to solve the problem.

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