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10 amazing tips for longevity

BY Carol Carey 2020-06-25

  Everyone wants to live longer, but longevity is not an overnight thing. Only by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and paying more attention to details can we live longer. The British "Daily Mirror" recently summarized some amazing tips for longevity.

   1. Stir thoroughly before drinking tea. The rich antioxidants (polyphenols) in tea help the body fight heart disease, cancer and premature aging. A study conducted by Israeli scholars found that people who drink tea in moderation live longer than people who drink tea infrequently. It should be remembered that the tea must be fully stirred before drinking tea. Research shows that this method can release 15% more anti-aging ingredients.

   2. Stand on one leg rotation every morning. This may sound strange, but when you wear clothes every morning, one-leg rotation will force the body to maintain balance and strengthen the core muscle groups (back, pelvis, and abdomen) that support the spine. Physiotherapists believe that this simple action has significant long-term effects for maintaining physical activity, preventing falls, and avoiding fractures after age.

   3. Have sex at least twice a week. Researchers conducted a large-scale longevity survey on the Welsh population: Compared with people who have sex twice a week, the risk of premature death is doubled for people who have sex less than once a month. A study conducted by the Royal Edinburgh Hospital found that couples with healthy sex life will look 7 years younger. This may be because sex life reduces stress, greater satisfaction and better sleep quality.

   4. Eat 3 walnuts every day. Recent research by Scranton University in the United States has shown that walnuts are the healthiest nuts because they contain the most potent antioxidants against disease and aging. You can fully benefit from eating 3 per day.

   5. Make 6 trusted friends. A recent study by Australian scholars on centenarians found that establishing close friendships and family bonds is the secret to longevity and health. Friends can provide emotional support to help people cope with stress; feel that being cared for can promote the production of dopamine and oxytocin in the brain, which is beneficial to brain growth and delays aging. The researchers confirmed that the optimal number of friends each person makes is six.

   6. Sunbathing every day. Survey data shows that 50% of people in the UK are deficient in vitamin D (this nutrient element is formed by sunlight on human skin). Vitamin D deficiency will increase people''s risk of many potentially fatal diseases. The British Cancer Research Foundation recommends that people should be exposed to the sun for 15-30 minutes before and after noon every day, while ensuring that they will not be sunburned, otherwise the health effects will be abandoned.

   7. Floss your teeth every night. Numerous studies have confirmed the association between gum disease and the increased risk of people suffering from other diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers. Therefore, dental experts recommend that people clean their teeth every night.

   8. Keep a pet dog. Research from the University of Minnesota in the United States shows that pets have a sedative effect, can lower blood pressure and reduce the likelihood of people having a heart attack. Another study showed that people who walk their dogs every day live an average of 7 years longer than people who do not keep dogs.

   9. Do not put the fruit in the refrigerator. Studies have shown that refrigerated fruits contain less nutrients than fruits preserved at room temperature. For example, tomatoes and peppers stored in bowls contain twice the amount of beta-carotene and up to 20 times more lycopene than similar fruits and vegetables stored in the refrigerator. Ingesting higher amounts of these two antioxidants is good for heart health and can reduce the incidence of certain cancers.

   10. Sing a song in the shower. A study conducted by scholars from Harvard University and Yale University in the United States found that regular singing is more effective in promoting health than taking vitamins. Singing in the shower can reduce stress, promote heart health and prevent depression.

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