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Various statements about fruits

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-28

   1. "The fruits in the morning are gold, the fruits from noon to three in the afternoon are silver, the fruits from three to six are copper, and the ones after six are aluminum."

   nonsense. Many media are willing to spread this unfounded, entirely conjecture. Fruit or fruit, person or person, is there a big difference between morning and afternoon? It is totally unreasonable.

   2. Don’t eat fruits before meals

   wrong. Eating fruits before meals will not affect digestion and absorption, nor will it increase the total amount of food.

   3. Eating fruits before a meal can help you lose weight

   is correct. Eating fruit before a meal will reduce the amount of food you eat. Compared with main foods such as staple foods and meat, fruits are larger and have less energy, which helps to reduce energy intake, so it helps to lose weight. Of course, whether to lose weight or not depends on the total food intake and exercise.

   4. Eating fruits after meals is easy to get fat

   is correct. After the dinner has been full, then eat more fruits, increase energy intake, so as to "support" the stomach, it is easy to cause obesity. Of course, in the end, whether fat is obese depends on the total food intake and exercise.

   5. Don’t eat fruit before going to bed

   is roughly correct. Do not eat any food, including fruits, before going to bed. But eating fruit 1 or 2 hours before bed should be okay, especially for those who do not have the opportunity and effort to eat fruit at other times.

   6. Do not eat fruit while eating

   nonsense. Anyone who has eaten fruit salad knows that there is nothing wrong with eating fruit while eating. When to eat fruit, in the final analysis, it is just a matter of habit, with little difference.

  7. The sweeter the fruit, the higher the sugar content

   This statement is basically correct for the same fruit, but it may not be correct for different types of fruit. Because the sweetness is not only related to the level of sugar, but also to the type of sugar (than if the sugar is sweeter than sucrose) and sourness.

   8. The darker the fruit, the higher the nutritional value.

   is basically correct. The fruit pigments are mostly carotene, lutein, flavonoids, etc. These substances have good nutritional effects. Compared to light-colored fruits, dark fruits contain more of these substances.

  9. Fruits raise blood sugar faster, and diabetes is not suitable for consumption

   wrong. Only some fruits, such as watermelons, bananas, and pineapples, have higher GIs and faster blood sugar, while most other fruits, such as apples, pears, grapes, peaches, and oranges, have higher GIs. Low, blood sugar is not fast. Diabetes prevention guidelines encourage patients to consume fruits.

  10. Pregnant women eat more fruits and have better baby skin

   wrong. This statement is unfounded. The development of the baby''s skin or other organs depends on the mother''s overall nutritional status, not fruits. I have seen many pregnant women who have abnormally elevated blood sugar (gestational diabetes) due to eating fruits.

   11. The baby should eat more fruits

   wrong. Infants and young children''s diet should be as balanced as possible. Milk, eggs, fish, shrimp, meat, vegetables, food, etc. are as important or more important than fruits. Eating too many fruits will inevitably affect the intake of other foods, causing the baby''s weight to be biased. Low, poor nutrition.

  12. So-and-so is the "king of fruits"

   error. I have heard that the king of fruits is kiwi, sea buckthorn, and blueberries. These fruits are good, and may have certain advantages in certain aspects, but it is ridiculous to call it the "king of fruits." Even if they are the kings of fruits, what is the point if you eat the "king" a few times a year?

  13. Fruits are all low-energy foods

   wrong. Most fruits have a high water content (water does not provide energy for the human body) and can only provide less energy, but some fruits, such as bananas, contain more energy, not less than potatoes (potato); durian has a lot of energy, Because of its high fat content. Even low-energy fruits, if you eat a lot a day, such as one or two pounds, you can get a lot of energy. Therefore, eating more fruit may not necessarily lose weight.

   14. Fruits are alkaline foods

   is correct. Most fruits are alkaline, no matter how sour it tastes.

  15. Fruit juice is better to eat

   error. Juicing fruit to drink may be more conducive to digestion and absorption, but it is easy to cause nutrient loss (oxidative damage, or loss due to filtration).

   16. Fruits can replace vegetables

   wrong. The nutritional characteristics of fruits and vegetables are very different and cannot be replaced by each other.

   17. "Confinement" cannot eat fruit

   is pure nonsense.

   18. Can’t eat fruit on an empty stomach

   is pure nonsense.

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