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Three main points of eating during the exam

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-03

  1. Staple food is particularly important

  Even in a quiet and relaxed state, the brain is one of the most energy-consuming human organs. Studies have shown that during stressful exams, mental activity and mental stress can cause the brain to consume more oxygen, which means increased energy metabolism.

  The main energy source for the brain is glucose. Glucose mainly comes from foods rich in sugars (carbohydrates), such as staple foods (cereals, mixed beans, potatoes, etc.) and fruits. Therefore, three meals a day to ensure adequate intake of staple foods helps maintain the best state of the brain.

  The candidate’s staple food must be enough first, 100~150 grams (dry weight) per meal, and it should be full and not too full. Secondly, the staple food should be thick and thin, such as two rice (rice + millet), black rice (rice + black rice), red bean rice (rice + red bean), green bean rice (rice + mung bean), etc., to help maintain a longer time Blood glucose supply. Finally, drink as little porridge as possible, especially breakfast and lunch. Drinking porridge not only reduces the staple food intake (dry weight), but also is not conducive to maintaining a long-term supply of blood glucose.

  2. High-protein foods

  fish-shrimp, meat, eggs and milk and other protein-rich foods are also indispensable in candidates’ recipes of. These foods have high nutritional value, which is especially important for the growing teenagers. Moreover, high-protein, high-nutrition foods help maintain long-lasting physical strength and physical condition. Although high-protein foods cannot directly provide glucose to the brain, high-protein foods can be used in conjunction with staple foods to provide the brain with a more adequate supply of glucose. Therefore, it is recommended that meals should have one or two kinds of high-protein foods.

   However, these high-protein foods often also contain more fat. Excessive fat intake will increase the burden of digestion and affect the state of the brain, which is not conducive to the examination room. When choosing high-protein foods, we must first pay attention to the appropriate amount. The approximate recommended amount is 250 grams per day for milk; 1 egg per day; 100 grams per day for fish and shrimp; and 50 to 100 grams per day for meat. Secondly, choose low-fat varieties, such as low-fat milk, shrimp, egg whites, lean meat, lean beef, chicken breast, etc., to avoid ingesting too much fat.

  3. Diet should be light

  The diet of candidates should not only increase the nutritional intake, but also not increase the digestive burden. A light diet is the best choice. The so-called "light" mainly has the following grassroots meanings.

First, the staple food should be light. Mainly based on rice or multigrain rice, steamed buns, noodles, etc., avoid burgers, fritters, fritters, puff pastry, biscuits, instant noodles, etc.

  Secondly, the meat should be light. To avoid the use of high-fat meat such as pork ribs, barbecue, braised pork, fatty beef, fatty sheep, duck, goose, etc. In terms of cooking methods, pay attention to less oil and less salt, do not use fried, braised, fried and grilled methods, try to use stewed, braised, steamed, fried and other cooking methods.

Finally, and most importantly, increase the intake of vegetables and fruits. 300 to 500 grams of vegetables per day, mainly green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, green peppers, garlic sprouts, broccoli, carrots, etc. 200 grams of fresh fruit per day, random variety.

   In addition to the above three points, we should also pay attention to ① appropriate selection of tofu, tofu skin and other high-protein and relatively light food; ② do not suddenly change the diet of candidates, let them eat their familiar food; ③ Pay attention to food hygiene and ensure food safety.

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