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Judgment of nutritional deficiency is not reliable

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-03

  Six unreliable methods for judging nutritional deficiencies

  How can we know that we or our children lack certain nutrients? This is really a complicated problem, and people really do Need to find an easy way. As a result, there are various methods of judging the lack of nutrients, but from my professional point of view, many methods are unreliable. Some are worthless (★★★★★), some have only a little reference value, but not enough for the following conclusions (★★★★☆). Due to space limitations, this article only discusses unreliable methods. As for the reliable methods to judge whether nutrition is lacking, we will post separately. Welcome attention.

  1. Face consultation (unreliable index ★★★★★)

  Look at a person’s face and complexion, plus spots or age spots, and eyes, lips, nose Waiting for appearance, it is judged that vitamin B deficiency or calcium deficiency is tantamount to nonsense. Because the lack of these nutrients often does not affect the complexion, complexion or spots.

  Iron deficiency anemia does cause paleness, but paleness may not necessarily be anemia. To know whether iron deficiency anemia, you have to check the blood routine. This is like, when a person dies, the pupils will indeed dilate, but the dilation of the pupils may not necessarily be dying, and it may be that mydriasis drugs have been given (as in this case).

   2. "Small crescent" under the nail (unreliable index ★★★★★)

  White small crescent under the nail (I am ashamed that I have studied medicine for more than 20 years, there are When the reporter asked me what the scientific name of the "little crescent moon" was, I didn''t even know it. I asked a few doctors and was also "ignorant" like me), which was highly concerned by many people. Based on its size, traits, color, and changes, it can be judged whether a person has a physical problem, and even more so is the lack of a certain vitamin or certain vitamins.

  In theory, any part of the body, such as hair, skin, ears, eyes, etc., is related to the overall health of the body, so it is not surprising that the small crescents on the fingernails are related to physical health. However, this relationship is not very close and cannot be judged accordingly. If you really care about your health, you have to pay attention (such as physical examination) to the liver, heart, kidneys, lungs, bones, muscles, fats and other important parts. Just look at the crescent moon.

   Trying to judge the iron deficiency, calcium deficiency, or other nutrients based on the small crescent, this is tantamount to dreaming.

  3. Spots and lumps on the nails (unreliable index ★★★★☆)

  Some serious nutritional deficiencies (such as iron deficiency anemia, etc.), and Some serious mineral poisoning diseases (such as selenium poisoning) can indeed cause serious abnormalities of nails, such as anti-nails (nails with upward curvature), nail removal, and thinning and broken nails. Moreover, nutrient deficiency often affects the health of the skin (including nails). However, the white spots of the nails are calcium deficiency, and the nails are fluted because they lack certain vitamins.

  I mean, the quality of the nails or skin is not good, there is a small abnormality, it may be related to nutritional deficiencies or imbalances, but it cannot be used to determine what the specific problem is.

  4. Test hair (not reliable index ★★★★★)

  detects the value of zinc, iron, calcium, lead in hair samples, and judges zinc deficiency, Iron, calcium, or lead poisoning is tantamount to cheating. The content of various elements in the hair is affected by many factors such as dust, whether it is shampooed, the quality of the shampoo, the local air quality, the quality of drinking water, etc., and cannot represent the actual content of various elements in the body.

   Moreover, the values of various elements in the hair are basically independent of the values of the same element in the blood. In particular, the values of various elements in the hair do not reflect the current blood (body) situation.

   5. Detection of trace elements in blood (not reliable index ★★★☆☆)

  The value of zinc, iron, calcium, lead and other elements in blood samples must be higher than that of hair The sample is reliable. However, except for blood lead (the blood lead must be tested in a qualified laboratory or hospital), the overall diagnostic value of other elements is not high. Because the detection value of zinc, iron and calcium in the blood can not accurately and timely reflect the same element in the body. Therefore, it is not feasible to rely on these test values alone to diagnose iron deficiency, calcium deficiency, or zinc deficiency.

   Blood trace element detection must be combined with diet evaluation, symptoms or signs, etc., to make a reliable comprehensive judgment.

   6. "One drop of blood" detection (not reliable index ★★★★☆)

   Now, use a microscope (with computer imaging, etc.) to observe the shape of a drop of blood, such as The aggregation of red blood cells, blood viscosity, thrombosis, blood lipids, cholesterol crystals, etc., are test methods that are respected by many businesses and are said to diagnose sub-health conditions.

As for whether this device can diagnose sub-health status, I will not discuss it here (I don’t want to offend too many people), but I would like to say that this method cannot be used to accurately determine whether there is a lack of Kinds of nutrients. In addition to blood lipids (fat, cholesterol, etc. in the blood) will significantly affect the appearance of the blood (in severe cases, you can see it without a microscope, you can see it with the naked eye), other nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals will not affect the appearance of the blood.

  I think it is necessary to popularize it. Any technological means must be evaluated in history. For example, in ancient times, "recognizing blood by blood" was a more objective method than just looking at the appearance or suspicion, but if this method is still used today, it will be harmless. Because today we already have a method of "DNA testing" with an accuracy rate of 99.999...%. Any test may be relatively accurate. Those former scientific and technological methods, methods of diagnosing diseases, and methods of judging nutritional deficiencies must be eliminated and updated. We should use better, more objective and more accurate methods.

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