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Increase dietary fiber to deal with constipation

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-03

   The defecation habits of healthy people are mostly 1 to 2 times a day or once every 1 to 2 days. The stools are more shaped or soft. The number of defecations of a few healthy people can be up to 3 times a day or once every 3 days. Sausage-like hard stools. Although the intervals or frequency of bowel movements are different, as long as the bowel movements are not dilute, do not dry and harden, and it is not difficult to pass bowel movements, they are all in a normal state. If the number of bowel movements is less than 3 times per week, with obvious difficulty in bowel movements, it is constipation. It is generally believed that when any of the following three kinds of obstacles appear, it may be constipation: ① Decreased frequency of defecation; ② Difficulty in defecation; ③ Excessive stool. To deal with constipation, comprehensive measures must be taken, and in severe cases, medication should be used. This article mainly introduces diet to increase dietary fiber to relieve constipation.

   dietary fiber, in short, is the indigestible residue in food. They have the characteristics of water swelling and bacterial fermentation, which directly determines the volume of fecal mass in the colon. Obviously, the larger the fecal mass, the more helpful it is to stimulate bowel movements. So increasing dietary fiber can promote bowel movements, especially nowadays people generally lack them in recipes. Which foods have more dietary fiber?

  To sum up, first of all, dietary fiber only comes from plants, and animal foods such as meat, egg and milk do not provide dietary fiber. Secondly, only plant-based foods with coarser texture or skinned foods, such as whole-grain foods, whole grains, beans, certain vegetables and a few fruits, can provide more dietary fiber.

  If the high dietary fiber food mentioned above is not included in the recipe, you can also choose a health supplement that specifically supplements dietary fiber.

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