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How breastfeeding prevents your baby from gaining weight

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-03

   Breast milk is the best food for babies and the best gift for mothers. Breast milk has advantages that cannot be matched by any high-end infant formula.

  However, breastfeeding cannot see the number of milliliters like bottle feeding. How do you know if your baby is getting enough breast milk?

  Baby is full, that is, she is very satisfied every time Or simply fall asleep directly, may be one of the signs of sufficient breast milk. But this is not enough. Some children will stop breastfeeding because of "tired" (improper posture), "lazy" (inadequate suction power) or "sleepy", causing the illusion of "fullness".

   weight gain is a more objective indicator. If the baby''s milk is enough, see if you can maintain normal weight gain. Except for the dehydration in the first week after birth, the baby''s weight will be reduced. In the first few weeks, if the milk is sufficient, the baby will increase by 110 to 200 grams per week. In the first 6 months, the average monthly increase was 450-900 grams. From 6 months to 1 year, increase 500 grams per month.

  While gaining weight is objective and accurate, after all, it is necessary to weigh and observe by week or month. How do I know if my baby has enough milk for the day?

  Observe the frequency of urination. Babies who drink enough milk will wet their diapers at least 6 to 8 times a day (4 to 6 diapers). In the first 3 days after birth, there is less urine. The number of wet diapers is high, indicating that the baby is not at risk of dehydration.

   stool is the second signal. The baby''s stool in the first week should be sticky black, then turn green, then brownish yellow, and increasingly yellow. In the first two months, babies with sufficient milk will generally have at least 2 to 3 such stools per day.

  In the first few months of birth, some babies’ urine output (wet diapers 6-8 times or diapers 4-6 times a day) is sufficient, but the weight is low and the rate of weight gain is not enough. Why is this? The amount of urine is sufficient (breastfeeding babies do not need extra water), indicating that the amount of milk is enough. The problem is probably due to the quality of milk, that is, insufficient fat content in breast milk.

  The main reason for the low fat content in breast milk is not the lack of fat in the mother’s diet. It’s the wrong way of breastfeeding.

  According to the physiological process of breast lactation, the milk stored in the breast before the baby does not suck, that is, the milk obtained by the baby for a short period of time after starting to suck, is called "pre-milk". Its low fat content is a bit like low-fat milk. After the baby starts to suck and stimulate the special nerve sensors on the mother''s nipple, these sensors send information to the pituitary gland of the mother''s brain. The pituitary gland secretes prolactin after receiving information. Prolactin encourages the breast (just the one the child is sucking, not including the other). The elastic tissue around the gland shrinks like a rubber band, squeezing out more milk and extra fat. These "eat now make" milk is called "post milk". It has a high fat content and sufficient energy.

  In short, only after a period of breastfeeding starts, the baby can get high fat and high energy after milk. If your feeding method is wrong, for example, if you only feed for 5 to 10 minutes and change the other side, the baby can only get fore breasts (low fat, similar to low-fat milk) in both breasts. The result is insufficient energy intake for the baby and unfavorable weight gain.

   Therefore, breastfeeding has a very important point-first complete the first breast, after completely vacuuming (if not fully fed), then change to the next one. If your baby is lazy and takes a few bites to fall asleep, wake him up (leave the breast and pat the back) and encourage him to eat longer and harder. Eat at least 10-15 minutes at a time. For some babies, you may have to repeatedly toss him several times.

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