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Which Hainan coconut flour is good

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-04

   Recently, a family has visited Hainan. Like most other tourists, when they return, they buy Hainan specialties except for tropical fruit, which is coconut flour. However, the quality and nutritional quality of Hainan coconut flour are very different, even if they are big-name products, they are also very different. The coconut flour bought by my brother (the real name is hidden, replaced with "N") is very bad, while the coconut flour bought by my wife (replaced with "C") is better, because she knows a little about nutrition, especially Selected.

The ingredients list of   N brand Hainan coconut flour is white granulated sugar, coconut milk powder, vegetable fat powder, and glucose powder. According to the basic requirements of writing the ingredient list, that is, the various ingredients are arranged in descending order, and the most content of the coconut powder is actually white sugar, not coconut powder. The correct name for this product should be "Coconut Flavored White Sugar Powder". Moreover, this product also added a non-dairy creamer, which is a hydrogenated fat and contains more trans fatty acids. The health risks of trans fatty acids will not be covered here.

The ingredients list of   C brand Hainan coconut flour is fresh coconut juice. No white granulated sugar and glucose are added to this product, nor is it added with non-dairy creamer, so it is really coconut flour.

   In short, a small list of ingredients can provide consumers with very important information, which can be used to judge the quality of a product and the quality of nutrition. It is a pity that most consumers, such as my younger brother, have no awareness of the ingredients list at all. Therefore, he is often attracted to inferior products because N brand coconut flour is cheaper than C brand and has a sweeter taste.

In addition to the ingredients list, both the N brand and C brand coconut flour also provide a nutrient composition table. Not surprisingly, because of the large amount of sugar and non-dairy fat added to N brand, its energy (2061KJ/100g) is more than double that of C brand (967KJ/100g), and its fat content (23%) is also about C brand (12 %) twice. In short, compared to C brand coconut flour, N brand is a high energy, high fat, high sugar product with low nutritional quality. Of course, I also ate N brand coconut flour, but it was used as a coffee mate. Its ingredients are really similar to coffee mate.

   What is even more speechless is that the writing format of the nutrient composition table of N brand coconut flour is wrong, and it does not conform to the national standard (management specification) at all. This low-level error should be too much for such a big-name manufacturer.

  I often tell my students that there are not good processed foods on the market, but consumers don’t know the goods. When consumers don''t know how to identify the quality of processed foods, and even regard the bad ones as good, then good foods (more pure) are foods that can''t compete with bad products (impure, add low-cost things) anyway. As a result, most of the market is occupied by bad food.

  Finally, I want to explain that the N and C coconut flours are mentioned here only for examples. It is said that the actual situation is that C brand coconut flour also has low-quality products similar to N brand. Therefore, the key is not the product brand, but the ingredients list. If the netizens who have read this article just remembered that "C brand is better than N brand coconut flour", and did not learn to look at the ingredients list, it would be sad.

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