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What are the benefits of sauerkraut

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-04

   It''s time for the northern winter vegetables to be listed and stocked in large quantities. Today, a reporter interviewed me about sauerkraut. This was an old topic, but the way she asked questions was a bit interesting-"What is the benefit of eating sauerkraut?"

  Yeah, about the harmful effects of eating sauerkraut There is a lot to say, especially because it contains nitrite to varying degrees, and nitrite has a clear carcinogenic effect. There are also many reports that eating sauerkraut often does increase the risk of cancer. So, what are the benefits of eating sauerkraut? Since the people in the north have been eating for so many years and seem to have to continue to eat it, there must be some merits.

   1. Nutrition is more than plain water. Although the nutritional value of sauerkraut is far less than that of green leafy vegetables such as spinach, even compared with Chinese cabbage, it still contains a little nutrients, at least more than boiled water.

   2. Rich variety of table vegetables. Sauerkraut is also a kind of vegetable, which can make the winter table more abundant. Although sauerkraut is actually Chinese cabbage, strictly speaking it is not the same as the principle of food diversification, but it is finally a different way of eating, not to eat Chinese cabbage all day.

   3. Eating sauerkraut has become a tradition that the northerners can inherit. There is no doubt that this tradition is related to low productivity. The habit of sauerkraut is regarded as the "sequelae" of poor days.

   4. Sauerkraut pesticide residues are relatively small. Compared with anti-season vegetables produced in greenhouses in winter, Chinese cabbage has fewer pesticide residues, and after long-term pickling, the original residual pesticides will also be decomposed-the residual pesticides and nutrients are lost together. However, it should be pointed out that some people regard sauerkraut as a seasonal vegetable in winter, which makes a metaphysical mistake.

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