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What to eat in the hot summer

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-04

  The weather is hot and affects appetite. What can have an appetite for eating?

  1. Eat "cold"

  ①Drink ice water or eat Ice cubes, especially in outdoor activities, ice water or ice cubes are the most effective cooling method. But ice cream and the like must be rare, because the latter contains a lot of food additives.

  ② Drink cold beer. When the appetite is bad, the cold beer has obvious appetizing effect. It is recommended to choose draft beer, dry beer, light refreshing, 8º beer.

   ③Refrigerated fruits, such as refrigerated watermelon, muskmelon, etc.

  ④Cold vegetables, such as cucumber, tomato and sugar. After mixing, put it in the refrigerator for a while, or put it in the refrigerator for a few minutes, cool it (but don''t freeze it), then eat it. The taste is better.

   ⑤ Korean cold noodles, it is recommended to use buckwheat cold noodles, not only cold, but also good nutrition.

  ⑥Jiangjiang noodles is the kind of old Beijing noodles. The noodles are chilled with cold water and mixed with raw vegetables and sauce.

  ⑦ Cold meat, such as sauce beef, sauce pig trotters, etc., it is recommended to buy branded products in large supermarkets (with refrigerators). When buying bulk goods, be sure to beware of bacterial food poisoning.

   ⑧ After cooked rice, it is to wash the prepared rice repeatedly with a cool white open several times, and pull out the cold. This way of eating will cause the loss of B vitamins, but it is more appetizing.

   2. Eating "bitter"

   is generally believed (all said, and I don’t see where the research evidence is), bitter foods can be cleared of heat and fire, Helps relieve the heat. Common bitter foods are:

  ① Tea, drink herbal tea. Tea (coffee can also) can stimulate gastric acid secretion, promote appetite and digestion.

   ② bitter gourd, can be cold or fried eggs.

  ③Bitter chrysanthemum, can be eaten with cold or dipping sauce.

  ④ Lettuce, dipping sauce or roll meat for consumption.

  ⑤ Lettuce, fried.

  ⑥Beer is also bitter.

   3. Eating "sour"

   sour taste should not be directly related to the heat, but it can stimulate gastric acid secretion, increase appetite and promote digestion.

  ①Fruit vinegar or ordinary vinegar should be consumed as a drink or as a meal.

  ②Tomato, that is, tomatoes, eaten raw or fried.

   ③ lemon, drink lemonade.


  ⑤Pineapple, sour.

  ⑥Sour apple (so-called "volt apple")

  4. Eat "hot"

   especially hot or spicy Food can easily cause a lot of sweating, and sweating can also relieve the heat and cool down. This is a bit of a meaning of attacking poison with poison. Of course, if you have eaten these things without sweating, I believe there will be no help to relieve the heat. (The above is a personal guess, not necessarily accurate)

  ①Spicy hot

  ②Open flame barbecue

   5. Drink mung bean water or mung bean porridge

   This is the most classic way to relieve the heat. Unfortunately, mung beans are fried to a high price. I can’t afford to eat it. Keep it for those who believe it is a fairy medicine to cure all diseases.

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