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Knowing Chunxiao, spring vegetables are indispensable

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-21

  The vernal equinox is divided into "half points", half, when half of the ninetieth day of spring means half of spring. On this day, the sun directly hits the equator, and the time of day and night is the same across the earth. For the upper hemisphere, the point of direct sunlight will move northwards during the day, and the daytime will be longer than at night. The "cent" of this vernal equinox actually means "equal day and night." In ancient times, there were "the spring equinox and the autumn equinox, and the day and night equally."

   During the spring equinox, the weather is windy, the weather is warm and cold at first, the peach blossoms are blooming in the south, the willow branches are green, and most of the northwest, north and northeast China are in the transition period from winter to spring The vernal equinox means "day-in-day", "day-night", "mid-spring moon".

  In the mid-spring season, the liver gas of the human body rises with all things, but tends to be hyperactive. "Qianjinfang" said: "It is better to save acid and increase sugar in spring to support the spleen." Choose to eat jujube, honey, yam and the like to nourish the spleen and stomach, and eat less acid or greasy foods that are not digestible. With this should supplement the winter consumption of vitamins and minerals, eat more vegetables and fruits. Wild vegetables are also at the right time. Shepherd''s purse, purslane, bamboo shoots, toon... are abundant, and they should be picked and eaten at the right time.

   First of all, the spring wild vegetables in spring vegetables are more concerned. I once talked about shepherd''s purse, dandelion, spinach, fern in my blog post. , Bitter herbs, and then spring.

  Maran head

  Maran head young stems and leaves contain protein, sugar, cellulose and rich minerals. It is cool and spicy, non-toxic, with digestion, abdominal distension, The effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, diuresis and swelling, cooling blood to stop bleeding. It can be used for vomiting blood and nasal bleeding caused by blood fever or congestion. It is beneficial to diseases such as high blood pressure, pharyngitis, acute hepatitis, tonsillitis, fundus hemorrhage, and glaucoma.

   Wolfberry buds

   Wolfberry buds are rich in nutrients, especially containing inosine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, arginine, etc., can nourish liver and kidney, clear fire Eyesight, enhance human immunity. It can be used for anti-fatigue and lower blood pressure, and can protect the liver, lower blood sugar, transform blood vessels, lower blood lipids, and has a certain effect on patients with fatty liver and diabetes.

  For those with real heat, spleen deficiency and dampness, and intestinal slippery stools, use with caution.

  Bitter vegetables

  Bitter vegetables are bitter and cold in nature. It is rich in nutrients, including vitamin C and a lot of iron, as well as protein, fat, sugar, carotene, vitamin B, calcium and phosphorus. It can clear away heat and dampness, sterilize and eliminate pus, and cool blood to stop bleeding. Very good for eliminating children''s food fever.

  Grey Grey Vegetable

  Grey Grey Vegetable has a bitter and cool taste, has the effect of clearing heat and dampness, detoxifying, and has a good effect on cold and fever. Often eating gray ash vegetables, can resolve greasy, prevent high blood lipids and obesity caused by meat. Use with caution in patients with body cold and gastrointestinal discomfort.

  Spring shoots

   sweet and cold. Clear heat and phlegm, and intestines. Contains protein, fat, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, vitamin B, vitamin C, crude fiber, etc. A large amount of cellulose in bamboo shoots can increase gastrointestinal motility and reduce absorption. Regular eating is of great benefit to simple obesity. It can also prevent diseases such as hyperlipidemia, hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, intestinal cancer, constipation, and hemorrhoids.

  The bamboo shoots contain more oxalic acid, which affects the absorption of calcium. Children and those with urinary stones should eat less or not. In addition, peptic ulcer, stomach bleeding, liver cirrhosis, esophageal varices, chronic diarrhea; skin itching and allergy to this product are not suitable for consumption.

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