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Key points of a low-fat diet

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-08

   Many times, such as weight loss people and patients with high blood fat, fatty liver, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, gallstones, pancreatitis, hepatitis and other diseases, the diet needs to reduce fat intake, that is, low-fat diet.

  What is a low-fat diet?

  According to the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents 2007" issued by the Chinese Nutrition Society, healthy people consume reasonable amounts of fat every day The quantity is: the energy (energy supply ratio) provided by fat accounts for 20%~30% of the total energy. In theory, a low-fat diet requires that the fat supply ratio be lower than that of healthy people, such as 18%. In practice, such a low proportion (18%) of fat intake and our daily diet (currently the average ratio of fat supply to energy in urban residents’ diets is 35.0 %) The gap is too large, and the above situations that require a low-fat diet basically need to ensure protein intake, because protein-rich foods are usually also rich in fat, so the fat energy supply ratio is less than 20%. of. Therefore, at present, it is advisable to advocate a fat supply ratio of <25% in a low-fat diet. Rao is so, it is not easy to achieve a fat supply ratio <25%, and it is necessary to take targeted measures. It is not as simple as eating less meat and more light food.

  How to achieve a low-fat diet? This must start from the source of fat. Fat mainly comes from three types of food, one is fish, meat, eggs, milk, soy products, nuts and other high-fat natural foods; the second is cooking oil, such as soybean oil, peanut oil, salad oil, etc.; the third is from those added Fatty processed foods, such as fried foods, biscuits, bread, instant noodles, burgers, snacks, etc. Generally, the fat content in grains, vegetables and fruits is very low.

   1. In order to obtain sufficient high-quality protein, it is necessary to ensure the intake of high-protein foods such as fish, meat, eggs, milk and soy products, and these foods usually contain more fat, how to solve this A contradiction? First, choose "lean" (relatively low fat) meat, such as fish, shrimp, seafood, chicken, turkey, beef, lean pork, lean lamb, rabbit, etc., try not to choose high fat content Meat, such as fatty meat, fatty lean meat, pork belly, fatty beef, fatty lamb, pork chops, steak, duck, goose, etc. In addition, soy products (lower fat) can be added to replace some meat. Second, replace normal milk with skimmed milk or low-fat milk; third, eat egg whites instead of egg yolks (because the fat contained in the eggs is mainly concentrated in the egg yolks). Fourth, during cooking, remove the visible fat, such as chicken skin, fatty meat, skin, roe and so on.

   2. Reduce the consumption of cooking oil and consume about 20 grams (two tablespoons) or less of cooking oil per day. This amount is very different from the amount we usually eat, which is only half of the actual consumption. According to the survey results published in 2004 ("One of the Survey Reports on Nutrition and Health Status of Chinese Residents-2002 Comprehensive Report", edited by Wang Longde, published by People''s Medical Publishing House in June 2005), the current per capita consumption of cooking oil for urban residents is 44 grams . How can we reduce edible oil from 44 grams per day to about 20 grams? This is not an easy task. First of all, firmly avoid frying or cooking over oil. Secondly, when cooking, choose more cold, dipping sauce (raw), steaming and other processing methods without oil or little oil, and advocate "oil-free cooking". Finally, when cooking, put less oil, do not drizzle with bright oil, use other seasoning methods to improve the taste and color of dishes, and advocate natural taste.

   3. Don’t eat foods that add a lot of oil and fat during processing, such as biscuits, bread, instant noodles, burgers, fritters, fried snacks (such as French fries), pastries and all delicious processed foods ( In general, only fat can provide aroma, so food that tastes delicious must contain a lot of fat).

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