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N ways to increase dietary fiber intake

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-08

  The most basic function of dietary fiber is to increase the volume and weight of feces, stimulate bowel movements, and promote bowel movements (also called "detoxification"). In addition, according to the 26th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission in 2004, the role of dietary fiber is at least to lower the total cholesterol and/or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the blood, and lower the postprandial blood glucose and insulin levels. "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents 2007" recommends that adults consume 25-30 grams of dietary fiber per day. However, according to a survey conducted in Tianjin, urban residents only consume 9 grams per day. The lack of dietary fiber has become one of the prominent problems in the diet structure of urban residents. Constipation is an increasingly popular "trouble".

  The following dietary measures can increase the intake of dietary fiber:

  1. Use whole wheat products (such as whole wheat bread, whole wheat buns, whole wheat) Wheat noodles, etc.) instead of rice and noodle products (such as ordinary bread, buns, noodles).

   2. Use brown rice, millet, corn, sorghum rice, oatmeal and other porridge instead of white rice porridge.

   3. Add some beans (bean rice) when making rice, such as green beans, red beans, kidney beans, etc. You can also eat bean paste (note, do not use bean paste filling, bean paste usually removes the bean skin, dietary fiber content is greatly reduced, you must use complete beans as a filling).

   4. Use boiled soybeans or soybean sprouts instead of soy milk, tofu, etc., because the whole soybean skin contains a lot of dietary fiber. Of course, when eating soy milk or tofu, don’t throw away the tofu residue (bean dregs). You can also eat fried food, noodles, etc.

   5. Use sweet potato, potato, taro and other potato foods to replace part of the food, it is better to eat with skin.

   6. Eat more fruits and vegetables, especially celery, leeks, onions, Chinese cabbage, lettuce, bananas, apples, apricots and other varieties with rich dietary fiber, try to eat with skin or seeds Eat skin and seeds.

   7. Wakame, kelp, konjac, agaric, and nori contain more dietary fiber, but most of it is soluble dietary fiber, and its laxative effect is slightly worse.

   8. Remind that almost all animal foods, namely fish, meat, eggs, milk, etc. do not contain dietary fiber. Dietary fiber must be consumed by plant-based foods.

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