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Can diabetics eat sucrose

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-08

  Medicine (at least in Western medicine) is a science that is always evolving. Doctors’ understanding and treatment of certain diseases will not be static, as is nutrition (diet) treatment. In the past (at least when I first started working), doctors generally believed that people with diabetes should be forbidden to eat sugar (sweets), but now their attitudes have changed significantly, The Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes in China (2007) issued by the Diabetes Branch of the Chinese Medical Association in 2007 clearly stated that diabetic patients can consume a small amount of sugar, and the calories provided by sucrose do not exceed 10% of the total calories.

What is the concept of    10%? Assuming that the total calorie of a diabetic patient is controlled to 1800 kilocalories, then the energy provided by sucrose is 180 kilocalories (1800×10%=180). It is known that every 100 grams of sucrose (white granulated sugar, China Food Ingredients Table 2002) contains 400 kcal, 180÷400×100=45 grams (approximately 1, two, one two=50 grams), so diabetics eat less sucrose every day 45 grams is allowed. In fact, for healthy adults, the sugar intake recommendation is also less than 10% of the total energy of the day (this is just a general recommendation, "Chinese Resident Dietary Guide 2007" does not give a clear statement on the amount of sugar consumed) From this, maybe we can say this: diabetics can eat sugar as healthy people? - To be honest, I agree with the suggestion that diabetics can eat sucrose (or sugar), but have reservations about this limit of 10%.

  Why are people with diabetes now allowed to eat sugar? The main reasons are as follows: First, under the premise of the same carbohydrate content, eating simple sugars (such as sucrose) compared with eating food, the final The total amount of blood sugar (glucose in the blood) formed is actually the same. The difference between them is only the speed of raising blood sugar. Second, if measured by the glycemic index (GI), the GI of sucrose is relatively low (65), close to that of millet porridge (61.5), and much lower than rice (83.2), that is, sucrose is higher than rice Blood sugar is slower. The low GI of sucrose is because there is a fructose group in its molecular structure. The latter does not directly become glucose after digestion and absorption, and needs to be converted into glucose through metabolism, so the blood sugar rise is slower. Third, perhaps this one is the most important. Nowadays, people with diabetes are generally opposed to living ascetic monks, and they dare not eat anything, because it is completely unnecessary. As long as the patients with diabetes control the total calories and structure of the diet, even sucrose You can eat it, but what else can you eat? People with diabetes can also enjoy life (including food).

Of course, now mainstream experts in endocrinology (including "China Type 2 Diabetes Prevention and Control Guidelines 2007") are of the opinion that diabetes can eat sucrose (or sugar), its true meaning is not to recommend that diabetic patients should Eating sucrose is not to say that sucrose has any special benefits for diabetics, but tells diabetics to give up those unnecessary dietary taboos and enjoy normal life!

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