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On the eighth day of the first lunar month, "Valley Day" talks about "Five Valley"

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-21

  "Valley Day" talks about "Five Grains"

  The eighth day of the first lunar month. In folklore, this day is the birthday of Guzi, which is called "Valley Day." The custom implies the importance of agriculture and cherish food. I On the eighth day of the first lunar year last year, I wrote "Gu Ri" to take my children to know about grain and increase their knowledge. At the same time, we should cherish the grain. Let''s talk about some knowledge about grain.

   said "Wu Gu", first of all, it will remind people of the Chinese idioms "Wu Feng Feng Deng", "Wu Gu Feng Ren", "Wu Gu Feng Shu" that people often use, etc., "Liu Tao Long Tao" says: "It is the wind and rain season, the grains are abundant and mature, and sheji is peaceful." Wei Sili of the Tang Dynasty also said: "The criminal law is too sparse".

   Actually, the theory of grain has already existed, but the opinions are different. Zheng Xuan''s note "Zhou Li Tian Guan" said that "five grains and five medicines are used to raise the disease", "grain" refers to hemp, rice, wheat, millet, millet. Zhao Qi noted "Mencius. "Teng Wengong", "Tree Grain", believes that "grain" refers to rice, millet, millet, wheat, and rice, with rice but no hemp. Wang Bing''s note "Su asked. "Timing gas time" "grain for nutrition", think it is japonica, adzuki bean, wheat, soybean, yellow millet. Later generations generally refer to "five grains" as five (or more than five) food crops.

In the three generations of the Xia, Shang, and Zhou Dynasties, grain crops were already grain-owned plants. The first agricultural book in my country, "Xia Xiaozheng", has recorded the planting of wheat, millet, jun, and mi. The Shang Dynasty already had pictographs of wheat, barley, millet, rice, millet, etc., indicating that it was known to domesticate and cultivate a variety of cereal crops. The folk poetry collection "The Book of Songs", about 500 years from the beginning of the Western Zhou Dynasty to the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, left a lot of information about the cultivation of cereals. "Xiaoya Futian" has "Rice Millet, Farmer''s Celebration". "Zhou Song·Siwen" has "I will come to Mou, I will give birth to the Emperor", and "Lai Mou" means barley. "Xiaoya Baihua" records "Takichi north flow, soak the rice fields", we can see that there are many rice fields in the field of Feng Hao in the Western Zhou Dynasty. "Zhou Song · Feng Nian" "Feng Nian Duo Duo Xu", according to Xu Shen''s "Speaking" said "Yi, Dao Ye".

   has been an open society from the Han Dynasty to the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and it is also the rising period of Chinese feudal society, which has had a profound impact on the exchange and development of food culture. By the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, many varieties of food crops had been cultivated, such as 38 species of millet, 13 species of rice, and 11 species of glutinous rice. After the Wei Dynasty, "Qi Min Yao Shu" contained 86 varieties of millet, and there were as many as 251 species in the "Tong Shi Tong Kao" in the Qing Dynasty.

  The opening of the Sui Dynasty North-South Grand Canal is a great project of world significance after the Great Wall in China. The Grand Canal has a total length of more than 2,000 kilometers and connects the three major river systems of the Yellow River, Huaihe River and Yangtze River. From the Sui and Tang Dynasties to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, China''s grain-producing regions accounted for the majority of the south. The opening of the Grand Canal allowed grain from the southeast to be transported north. Sui and Tang Dynasties built many large granaries near Luoyang. The strengthening of North-South economic exchanges has also promoted rice culture and millet culture, and promoted the development of the catering industry.

  According to historical records, rice was initially ranked at the end of the grains. Later, with the development of rice cultivation and the gradual increase in yield, rice jumped to the top of the grains. In the Tang Dynasty, Du Fu had poems such as "There are many green rice in June, chaos in Qianqi Biquan", "End of the third harvest of spring rice, and a hundred fields in Pingtian". In the Southern Song Dynasty, Lu You had the phrases "Autumn Wind Cherry Blossoms Nine Thousands of Years" and "Playing the Sound of Rice in Every Farm". It can be seen that the cultivation of rice has already reached a considerable scale at that time.

  The research data provided by historians show that the vast areas of China had ended the rice-hunting era about 5000 years ago, with millet as the staple food in the north and rice as the staple food in the south. The decomposition of this staple food structure has begun to take shape in the Neolithic Age. In the third generation of the Xia and Shang Dynasties, the proportion of northern wheat and yellow rice increased. The millet millet is dominant in the north and the rice grain is dominant in the south. The establishment of this staple food pattern is inseparable from factors such as the geographical environment in which food crops grow.

  As a result of long-term development, staple foods such as rice and wheat have become quite prosperous in my country, and are roughly as follows.

   1. Rice The same rice, there are many divisions. It can be divided into indica rice and japonica rice according to geographical distribution, morphological characteristics, physiological characteristics and variety relationship. It is divided into early rice, middle rice and late rice according to the response to the length of light and the length of growth period; according to the adaptability of soil moisture Rice, deep rice and land rice; sticky rice and glutinous rice are divided according to the properties of starch in rice grains. There are three types of rice grains: japonica rice, glutinous rice, and indica rice from the perspective of different viscosity and consumption.

   Japonica rice, also known as rice and hard rice. Rice has strong viscosity and little swelling. "Compendium of Materia Medica" said: "The japonica rice Liulan monthly harvest is early japonica (only can be fed), the August and September harvest is late japonica, and the October harvest is late japonica. Northern Qimu, japonica is cold, eight The drug is accepted in September; it is hot in the south and has a high temperature in japonica, but it can be used in the late October. "The Compendium of Materia Medica" said: "Japonica rice is the rice that people often eat, which is the length of the grain, and people depend on each other for their lives." Its taste is sweet and light, and its nature is flat and non-toxic. Although it specializes in the spleen and stomach, and the five internal organs are angry, the essence of the blood veins is overflowing, and the muscles and skin around the body are strong.

   glutinous rice, also known as rice, rice and yuan rice. Strong stickiness, small swelling, easy to gelatinize. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Glutinous rice is warm, wine is hot, especially boiled. "Ben Jing Feng Yuan" said: "Glutinous rice, nourish qi and nourish the spleen and lungs, but the flour is used as a dilute chyme, and it is not sticky, and it is good for urinating. Steamed into cakes, sex is unlucky, and patients are not allowed to eat.

  Indica rice is an early-maturing, non-sticky rice with large swelling. "Compendium of Materia Medica" said: "Indica, which looks like japonica and has small grains...Its earliest maturity, which can be harvested in June and July. There are also many categories. ”

   2. There are also many types of wheat, including wheat, barley, oats, rye, etc. Wheat and barley are the most commonly cultivated.

  Wheat is the most widely distributed in the world It is a food crop with the largest cultivated area and can be divided into many types. The grains are mainly used for making flour, from the name of spicy ("Guang Ya"). Tao Hongjing, a Taoist thinker medical scientist in the Qiliang period of the Southern Dynasty, said: "Wheat soup, They are all used. Hot home remedies are also good, noodles are warm, and so are mines. "Tang''s Materia Medica" said: "Wheat soup is used, not allowed to skin. Yundi is warm, but the surface can not eliminate heat to stop trouble.

  barley, also known as 麰, 宮麦, 麰麦, Moumai, rice wheat, red shirt wheat, etc. "Materia Medica" said: "Barley, the function is similar to wheat, and its sex is more cool It is creamy, so old people eat it with japonica rice, or eat it at the age of apology, while Yiqi Buzhong, which has five internal organs and a thick bowel, is as good as japonica rice. "

   3. Sorghum Also known as milo, millet, huoliang, sassafras, shuji, milu, siliang, panicum, etc. Edible sorghum, sorghum for sugar, can be used as food, wine (sorghum wine) and caramel. "Therapeutic Materia Medica" said: "Sichuan millet, planted in the north, with a slight shortage of grain, and more than cattle and horses, the longest in the valley." "Compendium of Materia Medica" said: "Sorbus milo, not seen very much, and now there are the most in the north." "Rice milo is suitable for the ground, sowed in spring and harvested in autumn. The stems are as tall as they are, and the leaves resemble reeds. The ear is as big as a broom, the grain is as big as pepper, red and black, solid rice, yellow and red. There are two types, sticky ones can be used as bait with glutinous wine; non-sticky ones can be used as cakes and porridge." Red, you can red wine."

   4. Corn Also known as white beam millet, rice millet, millet millet, millet, hard millet, indica millet, millet, cold millet, yellow millet, and so on. The north is commonly known as "millet", and after the shell is removed, it is called "millet". There is a particularly good variety, called "beam" in ancient times, and there is no such difference today. The particles can be divided into glutinous millet (Jian) and japonica rice according to viscosity, and the nutritional value is very high. "Suixiju Diet Spectrum" said: "The function of japonica rice is slightly the same as that of indica rice, but the sex is cooler and the patients should eat better." "Compendium of Materia Medica" said: "The ancients used millet as the general term for millet, millet, beam, and 秫. Today''s millet is called beam in ancient times, but the descendants are specifically named for the fineness of the beam.... In order to 秫, those who are not sticky are millet, so call it indica, with indica and with indica, the northern people called millet."

   5. Ji Mi Also known as Zui rice, Sassafras rice, Mizi rice, etc., it is an ancient edible crop in my country. One is a variant of millet, one is sorghum, and it is also known as the non-sticky seed of corn. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "There are two types of millet and millet, the sticky ones are millet, the non-sticky ones are millet, millet can be used for cooking, millet can be used for wine, and the yak rice has japonica and glutinous rice."

   6. Corn Also known as maize, Baogu, Baolu, Baomi, Zhenzhumi, Lugu, etc., with more than 50 names. Around the 16th century A.D., the envoys used corn ears as a gift from the Emperor Jin Jin, and later planted them extensively. According to the character of the seed, it can be divided into 8 types: dentate type, hard type, burst type, waxy type, sweet type, sweet powder type, powdery type, and barley type, mainly dentate type and hard type .

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