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Vegetable powder instead of rice to lose weight

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-15

   I was asked by a paper editor to let me comment on "use vegetable powder instead of rice to lose weight". I searched on Baidu, and many people who sell vegetable powder (or suspected of selling vegetable powder) are promoting the use of vegetable powder for meal replacement (in fact, not only weight loss, but also detoxification and beauty, breast enhancement and whitening...), Of course, there are also many criticisms saying that replacing meal with vegetable powder for weight loss is undesirable because of “lack of nutrition”, “impacts the absorption of minerals”, “stomach injury”, “doing more with less, and even counterproductive”. This problem must be understood from two aspects:

   First, can vegetable powder replace meals to lose weight? The answer is basically yes. Vegetable flour contains less protein, fat and carbohydrates (much less than food), so the energy is lower. At the same time, vegetable powder contains more dietary fiber and will swell and swell in the stomach, which can cause satiety, so it can be used instead of dinner. Once the vegetable meal is used instead of dinner, the energy intake is reduced, which is undoubtedly helpful for weight loss. Of course, whether to lose weight in the end depends on whether the two meals other than vegetable meal replacement are not eaten. This principle is the same as using vegetables and fruits instead of dinner to lose weight.

  Second, is vegetable meal replacement harmful to health? Although vegetable meal is rich in minerals and vitamins (the vitamins are destroyed in the process of making vegetables into vegetable meal), it lacks protein and other Nutrients, nutrition is not balanced; too much dietary fiber will also interfere with the absorption of minerals. These are harmful to health, but then again, in the existing weight loss methods, in addition to exercise to lose weight, other weight loss methods, such as diet or disguised diet weight loss, liposuction weight loss, drug weight loss, high protein meal weight loss Acupuncture, weight loss, etc., which (except those that are not effective weight loss methods) is completely harmless to health? Even exercise to lose weight may cause joint damage due to excessive exercise. Does an absolutely safe and harmless method of weight loss really exist? I doubt it. In theory, losing weight means losing the fat stored in the body, which cannot be completely harmless to health.

  I mean, the best way (absolutely safe and harmless) is not to gain weight, that is, to prevent obesity-this may be nonsense-once you get fat and want to lose weight, it is difficult to find a completely free Harmful ways to lose weight. For obese people, it is often necessary to make such a dilemma: whether to bear the harm of obesity or suffer from the methods of weight loss (side effects that damage health)? In fact, any decision about weight loss should be the above two aspects The result of weighing the pros and cons: many times the harm of obesity is more than the side effects of weight loss methods, then you should lose weight; there are times when a certain weight loss method has great side effects, even more than the harm of obesity itself, then do not lose weight —— It is preferable to change other weight loss methods.

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