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Farmhouse stews good nutrition

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-15

   often worry about what to eat. Whenever I think of something and practices I ate in the countryside when I was a kid, I-of course not copied it, but improved it for nutrition-I will introduce it to everyone A chaotic stew.

   Ingredients: pumpkin (small, half), potatoes (one or two), tofu (half piece), ribs (several pieces), sharp pepper (spicy, one), green onion, ginger, Appropriate amount of soy sauce, chicken essence, pepper noodles, iron soy sauce (or ordinary soy sauce), low sodium salt (or ordinary salt), cooking oil (corn oil or others).


   1. The ribs are cooked in a pressure cooker and set aside (don’t throw away the soup, also set aside).

   2. Pumpkin, potatoes, tofu, pepper, green onions, cut into pieces and set aside.

   3. Cooking oil under a hot pan, put the onion and ginger in the pan after the oil is hot, then add the ribs and pepper noodles and stir fry for a while. Quickly add pumpkin pieces and potato pieces and fry them slightly.

   4. Add the pork rib soup in the pressure cooker to the pot, take care not to put too much soup, and don’t overwhelm the pumpkin pieces.

   5. Put in tofu, boil over high heat, and add proper amount of soy sauce and chicken essence.

   6. Simmer over low heat. When it is about to be cooked, add sharp pepper and salt and continue to simmer until cooked (slightly collect juice).

   7. Eat it.

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