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How to eat before a heavy exercise

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-15

  For athletes in high-endurance endurance competitions (such as road cycling, marathon, long-distance running, triathlon, football, etc.), carbohydrate intake and intake time in the diet before or after the game are very important , Directly related to athletic ability. This article mainly talks about pre-match diet.

   3 days before the game, eat high carbohydrates (mainly from food, beverages or snacks, etc.), according to the ratio of energy supply, it should reach 60~70%; according to body weight, it should reach 8~10 per kg of body weight Gram carbohydrates. A diet with a lot of carbohydrates can promote muscle glycogen storage to a maximum, and muscle glycogen is one of the most critical energy substances in endurance projects. Its content directly determines exercise capacity (including speed and endurance). Insufficient muscle glycogen content will cause Impair the athlete''s athletic ability, resulting in a decrease in output power. At this time, in addition to carbohydrates, ensure that you drink enough fluids to ensure that your body is fully hydrated. Also, avoid high-fiber diets a few days before the game to prevent gastrointestinal discomfort.

   2~4 hours before the game (assuming the game starts at 9 o''clock, then you have to eat between 7 o''clock and 5 o''clock). Eating foods rich in carbohydrates can help restore liver glycogen reserves. In the short stage, you can eat a small amount of digestible sugar foods or drink energy drinks; in the longer stage, you need to eat semi-solid or solid foods such as bread or energy bars. Avoid ingesting too much fat and protein, as they will slow the emptying of the stomach, causing gastrointestinal discomfort. A meal before the game should include a considerable amount of carbohydrates (greater than 200 grams).

   0.5 to 2 hours before exercise (assuming the game starts at 9 o''clock, then do not eat after 7 o''clock) Do not consume carbohydrates, because intake of carbohydrates at this time, stimulation after blood sugar increases Insulin is secreted, and the role of insulin is to stimulate the consumption of blood sugar and inhibit the oxidation of fat, which is obviously not conducive to energy supply in endurance exercise (in terms of endurance items, the ability of fat oxidation to supply energy is very critical to exercise ability) . Therefore, it is usually required to avoid carbohydrates 2 hours before the game (foods containing protein and fat, such as eggs, soy products, etc. are theoretically harmless, but they are generally not eaten in the actual game, the reason is shown in the previous paragraph).

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