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Follow-up topics about food

BY Carol Carey 2020-05-21

   issued "Food does not exist", most people are very supportive, and some people don''t agree with it so much, they have everything to say, let''s briefly discuss as follows:

  Some words to me Suspicious people cite the example of "shrimp + vitamin C = arsenic". The original intention of this blogger is to fundamentally, scientifically, and culturally deny the claim that food is acceptable, and does not want to discuss the credibility of those nonsense. However, since some people are willing to grab the few "examples" as life-saving straws, let us analyze the "shrimp + vitamin C = arsenic":

  First of all, this statement is not ancient There is a traditional saying (the ancients knew neither vitamin C nor arsenic pollution), but it was made up by modern people. The most in-depth analysis on this issue was provided by Yu Kang, deputy chief physician and associate professor of the Nutrition Department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital. He is a famous nutrition expert, a big celebrity in the nutrition field, a nutrition scholar with the highest media exposure, and is also the The blogger''s classmates (stick him a little light) provided: "A variety of seafood, such as shrimp, crab, clams, oysters, etc., contains the chemical element arsenic in the body, generally the content is very small, but increasingly serious environmental pollution May cause the arsenic content in these animals to reach a higher level. The chemical value of arsenic contained in shrimp (note: chemical value is a method of representing the chemical structure) is five valence, in general, pentavalent arsenic has no effect on the human body Harmful. In theory, high doses of vitamin C (more than 500 mg of vitamin C in a single intake, equivalent to the sum of vitamin C in 50 medium-sized apples) and pentavalent arsenic will undergo a complex chemical reaction and will change It is toxic trivalent arsenic (that is, we often say "arsenic"), when trivalent arsenic reaches a certain dose can cause human poisoning." Simply put, "prawn + vitamin C = arsenic" exists in theory, but in fact does not exist. In particular, a large number of statements about "shrimp cannot eat with fruit" are even more ridiculous.

   There are still some people (mostly my students who can communicate directly with me) The so popular and wide-ranging argument that food is so popular was completely rejected by my article, although I think I wrote it It makes sense, but not very practical. Ask me if I have more authoritative and more accurate information? I understand their doubts, deep-rooted, widely circulated, and completely accepted by traditional culture. Someone suddenly tells you that these are wrong, false, and psychologically certain Not practical, fortunately they have heard my class and understand what I do, otherwise they will definitely not agree with my point of view. The mood is understandable, but what about more authoritative information? I have to say, no. Is Li Ruifen, Ma Fang, Weng Weijian, Wang Chengde, Wu Meiyun, He Jiguo organized by the "Beijing Youth Daily" (starting on April 7, 2006) cited in my previous article enough? The current chairman of the Chinese Nutrition Society, Professor Ge Keyou, is not enough. Authoritative? His old man personally verified that the nonsense of the food is the most stubborn. The person who is the most stubborn against me is my mother. She firmly believes that "potato + egg" is mutual, because she has seen such a villager eating "potato" +egg” died afterwards, so she firmly opposed my attempt to “potato+egg”. Strangely, she is opposed to scrambled eggs with potatoes, but not to eat both eggs (such as scrambled tomatoes) and potatoes (such as shredded potatoes) at the same time. The two eating methods are not different in my opinion. : Did you eat potatoes and eggs together? Could it be that the "potato + egg" gram produced what kind of toxin was produced by a chemical reaction on the plate? This is different anyway. Of course, my mother doesn’t need to speak up, and she doesn’t care whether the food is correct or not. She just doesn’t allow me to try it out – there are many cultural traditions like this: no reason, just do it! A typical example is confinement not to eat fruit

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